Demystifying Revelation “The Book of Revelation is the sharp point of the sword of Truth” Dragon and the Lamb, Introduction
WHERE was the book written? I John… was in the isle that is called Patmos… (Revelation 1:9) ANSWER: The Island of Patmos Demystifying Revelation
WHO was the book written to? ANSWER: Generally, the servants of God. Specifically, the seven churches in the province of Asia in circa AD96. The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must happen very soon… (Revelation 1:1) From John, to the seven churches that are in the province of Asia: Grace and peace to you… (Revelation 1:4) Demystifying Revelation
When was the book written? – a clue:
When was the book written? – another clue:
WHEN was the book written? would have been announced by him who beheld the apocalyptic vision (John). For that was seen no very long time since, but almost in our day, towards the end of Domitian’s reign. (AD 83-96) Irenaeus ( ), Against Heresies, Chapter 30 ANSWER: Approximately AD 96 Demystifying Revelation
HOW was the message of Revelation communicated? The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must happen very soon. He made it clear by sending his angel to his servant John, who then testified to everything that he saw concerning the word of God and the testimony about Jesus Christ. (Revelation 1:1-2) ANSWER: Demystifying Revelation
Dragon and the Lamb, Page 10 ‘The staggering fact that God the Father, Jesus Christ, his angel, and John the beloved Apostle, laboured together for us in fourfold unity should so impress itself upon our minds that we will never be content without some understanding of the message of Revelation. We really cannot afford to ignore the Apocalypse …’
WHY was it written? The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must happen very soon. (Revelation 1:1) ANSWER: We have in the book of Revelation an ‘unfolding’ of future events for the purpose of encouraging and instructing believers. Demystifying Revelation
WHAT was written? Write the things which thou ❶ hast seen, and ❷ the things which are, and ❸ the things which shall be hereafter… (Revelation 1:19) ❶ ‘hast seen’Revelation 1:12-18 The vision of the ‘one like unto the son of man’ ❷ ‘things which are’Revelation 2-3 The letters to the seven churches which were then in Asia ❸ ‘things which shall be hereafter’Revelation 6 – 22 The Seals, the Trumpets and the Vials ANSWER: Demystifying Revelation
❶ The 1 st Trumpet ❷ The 2 nd Trumpet ❸ The 3 rd Trumpet ❹ The 4 th Trumpet ❺ The 5 th Trumpet ❻ The 6 th Trumpet ❼ The 7 th Trumpet ❶ The 1 st Vial ❷ The 2 nd Vial ❸ The 3 rd Vial ❹ The 4 th Vial ❺ The 5 th Vial ❻ The 6 th Vial ❼ “IT IS DONE” ❶ The 1 st Seal ❷ The 2 nd Seal ❸ The 3 rd Seal ❹ The 4 th Seal ❺ The 5 th Seal ❻ The 6 th Seal ❼ The 7 th Seal A Basic structure of the ‘hereafter’ section of Revelation:
The Scroll Unrolls: