Bulletim n o. 4 MAKING THE HISTORY In our book, named “Instrumental Transcommunication, Contacts with heaven by tecnichal ways” (Ed.FE, 1995) we made a retrospect about the attempts to contact heaven through equipments. We talked about the greatest pioneer and brasilian Dr. Roberto Landell de Moura, possibly the oldest researcher of this possibility, in the sequence talked about Augusto Cambraia's creations, the amazing's calls of D’Argonnel and so on. But nothing exceed the accounts of this last. Between 1917 and 1925 he received a hundred of calls – and we'd imagine the fright of disregard from his contemporaries. They must had been taken him as a crazy, in the minimum. INTRODUCTION In our previous bulletim we'd spoken about nowadays contacts to heaven. On that oportunity, we talked about the recorded experience with Jesus Millan, relating about Barcelona, Espanha, and some curious occurencies. On the contrary of the telephone's uses, the applied technique is innovative. To our proud, was a brasilian, named Oscar D´Argonnel, who first contacted heaven by telephone, in mid-twenty years. Today, we presents this magnific work to our readers, as a result of the Silvio César Mello's dedication, who carefully scanned and organized it. It's a privilege to our country having a daring researcher like the native of Rio de Janeiro D´Argonnel... and a privilege to our reader who could share this historic rarity. A huge hug Sonia Rinaldi IPATI Institute of Instrumental Transcommunication Advanced Researches A RARITY, a gift. The quality of this work is notable so much by the content as much by the courage of his author to publish on 1925, news about the reception of heaven's calls. To us, trasncommunicators, it has been evident that occured a clear evolution from this time until then, specially because the cooperation of bioenergy (a donor medium) was essencial at the begining, and according stablished by Communicators, it was gradually becomes unnecessary, keeping the necessary freedom to Communicators move forward on this exchange, with no dependency of human, what, according to what them said, will be a significant impediment to them.
RESEARCHER'S SOUL D´Argonnel was extremely demanding if this turns his work even more valuable. Surprising to his age, until his group's name was “Experimental Spiritism Group”... which showed his proporsal. Whithout any religious meaning it limits to tell the notables contacts received, especially from his main communicator, Priest Manoel. THE NOWADAYS CALLS: On that age the calls were received. According to the book, the quality was good enough to be heard for any present person. The great difference with the system we've created is that in our case, we HAVEN'T RECEIVING the calls, but arranged the equipment to the heaven's friends come in and announce. We could say, by certain way, in our case, WE'VE BEEN MAKING the connection...haven't receiving. This technique was borned by the wish to help people placed so distant from São Paulo, whose suffered by somebody's lost, and then we recorded with parents whose lost suns talking from Fortaleza, Brasília, Porto Alegre and other places... Even since we already registered more than 400 calls, properly recorded and documented on computer. The technique is simple and accessible to anybody. You, reader, could too record with heaven by telephone! It's easiest than you can imagine. We describe this technique in details in our book “Recording heaven's voices” TO DOWNLOADING THE BOOK TO DOWNLOADING THE BOOK: Go to...