Missouri was one of 4 states accepted by ACT in 2012 to participate in this initiative. We are now 1 of 24 states engaged
What is Work Ready Communities (WRC)? This initiative starts at the grassroots level, by providing a community-based framework that: Links workforce development to education Aligns with the economic development needs of communities, regions and states Matches individuals to jobs based on skill levels Helps attract new businesses to the region
Certified Work Ready Communities Overview National effort-led by ACT Workforce Division State driven—Governor Nixon very engaged States will use the NCRC (National Career Readiness Certificate) to skill up workforce Employers will partner to help build talent pipeline and drive growth Educators can help prepare their students for work readiness Local counties & economic developers will have verifiable data to validate the quality of their workforce
National Initiative—24 states as of 10/26/15
Missouri Snapshot - Over 63,000 NCRC’s statewide 64 counties now participating Over 2600 employers recognizing!
What is a National Career Readiness Certificate - NCRC Establishes a common framework that links, aligns and matches individual skills to careers. MEASURES COGNITIVE SKILLS Applied Mathematics = Using math to solve work problems Reading for Information = Understanding work-related text Locating Information = Finding/applying graphical information
National Career Readiness Certificate - NCRC To earn an ACT NCRC, an examinee must successfully complete three ACT WorkKeys assessments: Applied Mathematics Locating Information Reading for Information
NCRC and Work Readiness Levels Platinum: Scores of Level 6 or higher on all three exams Gold: Scores of Level 5 or higher on all three exams Silver: Scores of Level 4 or higher on all three exams Bronze: Scores of Level 3 or higher on all three exams
What Could this Mean for Your School District? MSIP5 Performance Standard 3: College and Career Readiness. ACT WorkKeys was added to approved assessments for the school year and applied to the APR Flexible Implementation Options Nationally Recognized Credential
DESE Approved DESE now recognizes the WorkKeys® assessment as part of MSIP 5 and it is included as another option to earn points for your school district’s performance report.
Why should you test your students? Educators can help close the skills gap, via tools integrated into career pathways with stackable industry-recognized credentials Students understand what skills are required by employers - and how to prepare themselves for success
What’s in it for Educators? Education plays a crucial role in helping a region close skill gaps that prevent people from getting a job, & puts existing jobs at risk. Education helps create competitive advantage for individuals through increased skills The NCRC validates these foundational skills & helps prepare for workforce. For some students, it can mean the difference in graduating & dropping out.
K12 public education can utilize the NCRC to demonstrate work readiness for graduates A gold level satisfies HS graduation requirements for reading & math Students who don’t plan to further their education have a credential they can use with their resume, to make them more desirable to prospective employers
Standard 3: College and Career Readiness Assessment Scores Matrix
Implementation On Site Testing Completed in approximately 4 hours Paper/Pencil Version for large groups Score report results approx. 2 weeks Certificates approx. 3-5 weeks Typical Schedule: Registration-40 minutes Test 1-45 minutes; break 10 minutes Test2-45 minutes; break 10 minutes Test minutes; break 10 minutes
Cost of Testing Three Options: 1.) State Contract-FREE Students must be 18 years of age Students must register in jobs.mo.gov Can test free of charge at Mo Career Center, or work with Mo Job Center for testing realm & proctoring assistance (on-site) 2.) Grant Options Counties who are participating in CWRC can apply for funding—ded.mo.gov/cwrcfunding These funds can help cover costs for students under age 18
Interested in Learning More? Contact : Cheri Tune, Certified Work Ready Communities Director Workreadycommunities.org