Year in Review July 2008 Career & Employment Services Kansas State University Career and Employment Services Guiding You from College to Career Kansas State University
Vision K-State Career and Employment Services is an essential partner with employers and the K-State community
Mission Statement To provide career advising, training, employment connections, and resources to K-State students, alumni, faculty, administration, employers and members of the community which the university serves
CES Program Goals 1.To assist students with decision-making and skills development. 2.To link employers to K-State students and alumni. 3.To collaborate with the campus community. 4.To offer knowledge and resources to serve the campus and community.
#1 Assisting Students Hosted Backyard BBQ for over 2,000 students with support from ALDI
#1 Assisting Students Provided over 500 presentations for more than 12,000 individuals
#1 Assisting Students Stayed up late for Midnight Resume Review with nearly 150 students
#1 Assisting Students Provided over 500 drop-in appointments during Walk-In Wednesdays
#1 Assisting Students “Overall, rate your CES advisor meeting” 4.7 / 5.0 A+
#2 Linking Employers Activated a “My CES Account” for over 9,000 K-Staters
#2 Linking Employers Held K-State’s largest All University Career Fair ever with 324 employers and 3,000 students
#2 Linking Employers Managed nearly 6,000 on-campus interviews for over 500 employers
#2 Linking Employers Offered new “Common Good Career Fair” for a total of 8 annual career fairs
#3 Collaborating on Campus Created Alumni Career Services in partnership with the Alumni Association
#3 Collaborating on Campus Offered after hours services with ACIC in the DARC satellite career center
#3 Collaborating on Campus Partnered with Colleges on new hires to serve Business, Education and Engineering
#3 Collaborating on Campus Re-aligned within the University to enhance student recruitment and retention
#4 Offering our Knowledge Offered StrengthsFinder for free to students with support of ConocoPhillips
#4 Offering Our Knowledge Published monthly “CES Navigator” newsletter for campus community
#4 Offering Our Knowledge Led the launch of state-wide “Hire Kansas Talent “ consortium
#4 Offering Our Knowledge Collected post-graduate survey data from 84% of grads
The Year Ahead Manage increased student demand Maintain student awareness and outreach Enhance strategies for employer relations Support new CES team members Proceed with facility planning Assess CES impact
Career and Employment Services Guiding You from College to Career Kansas State University