The Kush people lived in this region
They were cattle herders They grazed their herds on the SAVANNA “grassy Plains” that stretch across Africa south of the Sahara. They grew crops, they were excellent hunters, skilled at the bow and arrows. They started forming armies. They were cattle herders They grazed their herds on the SAVANNA “grassy Plains” that stretch across Africa south of the Sahara. They grew crops, they were excellent hunters, skilled at the bow and arrows. They started forming armies.
The Egyptians were happy to trade for Kerma’s cattle, gold, ivory, and enslaved people. The Egyptians also admired Nubians skills in warfare and hired Nubian warriors to fight in their army.
Like the Egyptians pharoahs, the kings of Kerma were burried in tombs
Egypt ruled The Nubians for 700 years. The people adopted many of the Egyptian ways. Worshiped Egypt's Gods and Goddesses. Changed Egyptian Hieroglyphs into their own language. THE CULTURES MIXED
Where the Kushite Kings ruled from. Why Was Napata in a Favorable location. Location. On the Upper Nile where Caravans crossed the river to trade.
Kashta King headed north with his army to conquer Egypt. His son PIYE finished the job and ruled Egypt and Kush from Napata.
They built white sand-stone temples and monuments like the Egyptians. Built small pyramids in which they buried their kings.
Assyrians invaded Egypt and drove the Kushites back south. The Kush people learned how to make iron from the ASSYRIANS. The Kushites became the first Africans to devote themselves to iron-working. Assyrians invaded Egypt and drove the Kushites back south. The Kush people learned how to make iron from the ASSYRIANS. The Kushites became the first Africans to devote themselves to iron-working.
Iron in plows. Warriors began using Iron in weapons. Traded their Iron products for cotton, textiles, and other goods.
This is where the Kush Rulers went to get out of the Assyrians way. They set up a royal court in this city. This was the new capital after Napata. The rocky desert east of Meroe had large deposites of iron ore used to make iron. This became a center for Iron making.
Meroe was built to look like an Egyptian city. Had small pyramids. A huge temple
Meroe traded with Egypt in the North and Africa to the South. Kush remained a great trading power for 600 years. Kush declined and the Axum kingdom took over.