Vocational school „Professor doctor Asen Zlatarov” and LB Bulgaricum
Our school Vocational school „Professor doctor Asen Zlatarov” – Vidin was established in 1963
Specialties now after 7-th grade are: Economics and management, Organization of tourism and leisure time, Computer engineering, Electricity.
Specialties now after 8-th grade are:Small and medium business,Organization of the hotel.
The school have a partnership with many places in the town which gives the opportunity the students to practice their profession in real place. The school also have partnership abroad.
LB Bulgaricum LB Bulgaricum has long-lived traditions in the production and export of dairy products, starter cultures and technologies. The company is the unique state-owned firm in the milk-processing sector of Bulgaria.
LB Bulgaricum is the only state company in the Bulgarian dairy sector with great experience in the production and export of dairy products, starter cultures and technologies.
The company has significant volume of intellectual property in the field of the dairy industry: - 11 patents for Bulgarian dairy products - 45 product trademarks registered in Bulgaria - company trademark registered in 26 countries - 6 appellations of origin
During 30 years using the starter cultures and the technologies of the company there has been produced yoghourt under Bulgarian license in Japan, Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, Cyprus, Finland, the Philippines, France, Austria.