We are what we eat Food and Nutrients 1
The Process of Digestion The digestive system takes out the nutrients of food and uses them to build cells and tissue, get energy and keep on working effiently. 2 foodnutrients tissue, energy, efficiency
Let’s see how it happens… 3 The process of digestion
Protein Your body needs protein to build tissue (muscles, organs, inmune system) You get protein from meat, fish and beans. 4
Carbohydrates We need carbohydrates to get energy Carbohydrates come from sugar and cereal. 5
Vitamins Your body needs vitamins to work efficiently. Fruit and vegetables are a source of vitamins. 6
Calcium Calcium keeps your bones strong. We get calcium from dairy products (milk, yougurt, cheese) 7
Fiber Fiber aids digestion and keeps your intestines clean. We get fiber from hard beans, fruit and vegetables. 8
Fats A certain amount of fat is necessary for long term energy supply, to keep body temperature and to cushion joints. But remember too much fat can be dangerous! There are different kinds of fat: - Unsaturated fats (butter) - Saturated fats (olive oit) - Trans fats. 9
Potassium You need potassium to help making proteins and keep blood pressure in balance. Bananas are a popular source of potassium. 10
read and complete worksheet 1 11 Now, let’s see how much you can remember…