Rocking the Fight Relay for Life
RELAY FOR LIFE! Friends, family and loved ones coming together to support those who suffer from cancer.
Reasons for our tent Most everyone on our team had a special person suffering from cancer. We wanted to do our part in helping the community As a team we felt like we could do more We decorated it to be “up beat” and to give energy for those who dedicated their time that night.
The One Who is Rocking the Fight Mrs. Bassett is 52 years old. She found out 2 years ago this fall, that she had cervical cancer. Mrs. Bassett has been my “second mother” since I was 7 years old. She is the one I walked for at this event.
Our Stand : Guitar Hero, Snow cones, and Face painting.
RTF: We were out ALL NIGHT, HELPING and SERVING those who came to honor their friends and family, who have been victimized by cancer.
Showing our excitement while helping with the activities in our tent. Team work and smiles!
FACE PAINTING: There to add a little splash of color to the nights activities!
Contagious excitement! Neighboring tents caught on to our way or “Rocking the Fight!”
Guitar Hero: The source of our tent’s entertainment and the inspiration, which lead to our tent. We had it set up so that people could challenge each other and help us “Rock the Fight” against cancer.
Lighting of the Luminaries: Everyone that had a Friend, Family member, or knew someone with cancer lit one in their honor. I lit one in honor of Mrs. Bassett.
COMMUNTIY SERVICE I love being out in the community serving others. All my life I have been the kind of person that would go out of my way to lend a helping hand. To me it is very satisfying to see the work I do can and does make a difference. I try to participate in as many things as I can in order to aid my community. It gives me a sense of being needed when I see that my work is helping those who are unable to help themselves.
WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? I feel as though it is right to give back to those who help me, and bless me with things. By taking a part in my community I take more pride in where I stay. By helping, it does not just benefit those I help but it also helps me. Taking a part in something in my community also teaches me valuable lessons for latter in jobs. Such as: working with others, finding new ideas, working through struggles, and learning to adapt to a new and different environment.
Where is community service? Anyone one can be involved. One my find community service right around the corner from their house. The community around each of us is always in need of a helping hand.