Observations on School Reorganization Kent Gardner, PhD President & Chief Economist
Center for Governmental Research (CGR) Independent, objective nonprofit dedicated to the public interest Founded in 1915 by Eastman Kodak’s George Eastman Provide decision support for government, business and nonprofit leaders through research and analysis Active throughout NYS; some activity in other states (currently NJ, MA, PA, AZ)
Our Context Deeply involved in municipal reorganization discussion—40+ communities in NYS, NJ, MA during previous 5 years; general purpose municipalities (village/town/city/county) predominate Public education Cost comparison: Long Island v. Northern VA (Rauch Foundation) Central business office opportunities (Sullivan, B-T, SCT BOCES) Various service sharing studies (Nassau County, Addison, Orchard Park, Tonawanda, WSWHE BOCES) Currently: Supporting RCSD strategic plan; exploring regional HS for Ontario County (Wayne-FL BOCES) 1993: Studied reorganization statewide on behalf of NYSED
Observations School district mergers don’t save money Maxwell analyses of “potential cost savings” & common sense suggest that they could. To date, they have not. Why not? These are disruptive & unpopular—we buy off the opposition to achieve them. Generalizations about NYS districts are dangerous Nassau Of 53 unified/ES districts, 31 contain 5 sq mi or lessOf 53 unified/ES districts, 31 contain 5 sq mi or less 3,500 students per district—ranging from 674 (Island Park) to 8,149 (Massapequa)—20093,500 students per district—ranging from 674 (Island Park) to 8,149 (Massapequa)—2009 CWR varies by factor of 8.6:.541 (Hempstead) to (Oyster Bay)CWR varies by factor of 8.6:.541 (Hempstead) to (Oyster Bay) Greene 7 districts: Smallest is 65 sq mi (Coxsackie-Athens); largest is 174 sq mi (Hunter-Tannersville)7 districts: Smallest is 65 sq mi (Coxsackie-Athens); largest is 174 sq mi (Hunter-Tannersville) 1,200 students per district—ranging from 411 (Windham- Ashland-Jewett) to 1,715 (Catskill)—20091,200 students per district—ranging from 411 (Windham- Ashland-Jewett) to 1,715 (Catskill)—2009 CWR varies by factor of 2.6:.565 (Cairo-Durham) to (Hunter-Tannersville)CWR varies by factor of 2.6:.565 (Cairo-Durham) to (Hunter-Tannersville)
Observations (cont.) State’s diversity suggests that differences between districts make general statements difficult; in our experience, idiosyncratic factors swamp commonality Conclusions from research? Can’t make bricks without straw... Duncombe & Yinger school cost study: 12 consolidations b/n 87 and 95 Hue & Yinger property value study: 15 consolidations b/n 90 and 00 Few observations limits power of formal analysis Conclusion: The value of further study of past consolidations is limited Focus on new structures/alternative models
What’s the Objective? We seek to improve educational outcomes in an environment of shrinking resources Follow the money: Evidence suggests that structure is less important than productivity in the classroom Rather than re-arranging the desk chairs, let’s focus on improving the productivity of teachers, e.g. teacher education, recruitment, mentoring, evaluation, professional development, compensation Perfect is the enemy of the good: Recognizing the role that district boundaries play in defining community identity & the power of the status quo, let’s focus our research on improving efficiency WITHOUT eliminating districts
Blur the Boundaries Expand use of distance learning tools/alternative settings (particularly for rural districts); use technology to achieve gains from consolidation w/o re-drawing boundaries Reform incentives for use of BOCES BOCES aid intended to differentially subsidize poor districts, but also distorts price signals: Encourages use of BOCES even at higher cost Limits on what is “BOCES aidable” can leave BOCES on sidelines where true efficiencies can be achieved Consider converting BOCES aid to “block grant” Encourage service sharing across BOCES borders Consider whether school governance should be restructured—has the local school board outlived its usefulness?