1 Constituency Building for Competition Reforms in West Africa Outputs, Outcomes and anticipated Impacts of the 7UP4 Project in The Gambia By: Omar Ousman Jobe (7UP4 Project Coordinator, The Gambia) 6-7 August 2010 Hotel Novotel, Dakar- Senegal Garba Jahumpa Road, Bakau, K.S.M.D. The Gambia. * Tel: (220) Fax: (220)
Presentation Outline: Activities Conducted Implementation Issues Project Outputs Project Outcomes Project Impacts Conclusion and way forward 2
3 Activities Conducted to strengthen The Gambian Constituency: Preliminary Country Paper (PCP) Research National Reference Group (NRG I) meeting Perception survey on the state of competition in The Gambia Pre-Summit Conference (Banjul, July 2009) Mid-term review meeting (Banjul, July 2009) National Reference Group (NRG II) meeting (October 2009) Garba Jahumpa Road, Bakau, K.S.M.D. The Gambia. * Tel: (220) Fax: (220)
4 Activities Conducted to strengthen The Gambian Constituency: Regional Training Workshop (Abuja, Nigeria) National Training Workshops (NTWs) for stakeholders (Parliamentarians, Government officials, sector regulators, the media, GCC, UTG etc) National Reference Group (NRG III) meeting Advocacy Campaigns Garba Jahumpa Road, Bakau, K.S.M.D. The Gambia. * Tel: (220) Fax: (220)
Implementation Issues: The representation of stakeholder institutions at NRG meetings has been very inconsistent and it was realized that adequate briefings did not always take place after every meeting. Some stakeholder institutions did not send participants to all 3 NRG meetings due to conflicting commitments Regrettably, some tertiary institutions particularly banks were not cooperative during the CRR research phase 5
Implementation Issues (Cont’d) Inadequate sample size (150 key informants) and perception survey was confined to the urban area only Frequent changes at the line Ministry involving Ministers and Permanent Secretary Lack of funding of consumer organization is affecting their operations and the supporting role they could have played in the implementation process 6
7 Project Outputs: Preliminary Country Paper (PCP) produced Country Research Report (CRR) – baseline information of competition issues captured and shared NRG Meeting Reports National Training Workshop (NTW) Reports Capacity of NRG members to guide the process of competition implementation and assessing project outputs is greatly improved Understanding of competition policy and law enhanced among National Assembly Members, Media Practitioners, Civil Society Organizations and Government Partners
Project Outputs (Cont’d) Competition Literature disseminated to stakeholders/Project Partners Advocacy road map for The Gambia produced with emphasis on the following elements: –Engage proactively with the business sector –Enhance consumer awareness of competition issues and create a consumer movement 8
Project Outputs (Cont’d) –Assist the government to address the human, financial and technical constraints being faced by the competition authority and evolve a healthy competition culture –Advocate for greater funding support for regulatory authorities/agencies –Facilitate a framework of cooperation between the competition commission and sector regulators 9
10 Project Outcomes: National Assembly Members are more sensitive to competition issues and are poised to advocate and support competition reforms The findings from the CRR revealed that the media were not conversant with competition issues and could not cover it adequately. After the training, journalists are more confident in covering competition related issues Pro-PAG, a CSO, is seen to be driving the agenda of competition policy and law and is perceived as a credible partner to GCC, PURA and the Government. Garba Jahumpa Road, Bakau, K.S.M.D. The Gambia. * Tel: (220) Fax: (220)
Project Outcomes: The present and future performance of GCC, PURA etc in competition regulation is greatly enhanced by the project The interfacing challenge between sector regulators and the Competition Commission is brought to the fore and is better understood An eye opener: through the sensitization campaigns in the print media, many people are now able to discern various forms of anti- competitive business practices 11
Project Outcomes (Cont’d) The University of The Gambia has agreed to introduce a course on competition for final students of marketing from next September in partnership with CUTS and possibly the Gambia Competition Commission. 12
13 Anticipated Impacts of 7UP4: The need for competition reforms is made evident and awareness of the issues is enhanced among National Assembly Members for them to support the evolving of a viable competition regime in The Gambia Pro-PAG, GCC and partners will continue to promote a healthy competition culture for greater consumer welfare and utility Competition policy and law as instruments of socio- economic development is widely accepted Consumers have value for money, wider choice of good quality
Way Forward Dissemination of the CRR Report nationwide Radio and Television Talk Shows to sensitize the general public on the merits of competition Advocacy for Competition Reforms Capacity Building Enhanced partnership with the Gambia Chamber of Commerce and GCC to encourage the private sector to open up and to play by the rules 14
15 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION ! ! Garba Jahumpa Road, Bakau, K.S.M.D. The Gambia. * Tel: (220) Fax: (220)