1 Critical Care Organ Donation Symposium April 12, 2010
2 Critical Care Organ Donation Symposium April 12, 2010 WELCOME Calvin P. Kwan Interim Chief Operating Officer
3 Harbor-UCLA Medical Center LA County acute care hospital Licensed 538 inpatient beds Teaching affiliation with Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Renal Transplant Center Level I Trauma Center
4 “It is at the end of one life… …that there is the possibility of a renewed life.”
5 Symposium Objectives Participants will gain an understanding of: Organ and tissue donation process Organ and tissue donation process Different roles and responsibilities of healthcare Different roles and responsibilities of healthcare practitioners involved practitioners involved Pathophysiological and psychological effects Pathophysiological and psychological effects surrounding the donation process surrounding the donation process Move towards achieving the national organ & Move towards achieving the national organ & transplant goals (close the gap) transplant goals (close the gap)
6 The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services - Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) The National Organ Donation and The National Organ Donation and Transplantation Breakthrough Collaboratives Transplantation Breakthrough Collaboratives
7 The National Organ Donation and Transplantation Breakthrough Collaboratives The 3 key stakeholders/estates: Transplant hospitals Transplant hospitals Donor hospitals Donor hospitals Organ Procurement Organization Organ Procurement Organization (OPO) - Onelegacy (OPO) - Onelegacy
8 The National Organ Donation and Transplantation Breakthrough Collaboratives NATIONAL GOALS Organ donation conversion rate of 75% Organ transplant rate of 3.75 organs per donor 10% of all donors are procured from a donation after cardiac death (DCD) donor
9 National Target Jan-Oct 2009 actual 2009 actual Variance/ Gap Conversion Rate 75%60.7%-14.3% Organs Transplanted/ Donor (OTPD) DCD Rate 10%6.2%-3.8% UNOS DONOR SERVICE AREA REGION 5 ONELEGACY
10 Source: United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) as of 4/9/10
11 Current Statistics 106,967 patients need organ transplants (4/9/10) 106,967 patients need organ transplants (4/9/10) 77 organs transplanted each day in the U.S. 77 organs transplanted each day in the U.S. >28,000 patients received organ transplants (2009) >28,000 patients received organ transplants (2009) Every 13 minutes, a new name is added to the Every 13 minutes, a new name is added to the national organ transplant wait list national organ transplant wait list 18 patients die each day waiting for an organ 18 patients die each day waiting for an organ
12 So let’s get started….. Nursing Management of Potential Donors Dina Elias, RN, BSN Critical Care Educator Donor Management of the Consented Donor Adam Teller, CPTC In-House Coordinator