Healthy Active Lifestyle PriorityAction Parent knowledge and understanding of the value of nutrition. Develop a more positive approach to food, exercise and body image. Get fit campaign lead by fitness expert Nikki Weekly exercise sessions with children and parents Nutritional workshops and advice Support monitoring and tracking weight gain/loss Improve understanding of importance of water safety and develop key life skills. To broaden knowledge and expose the children to a range of active experiences. Swimming with year 4 children every Friday afternoon. Employed in house swimming instructor to improve quality of teaching and learning and extend time spent in the pool. To encourage children to enjoy being active and have a more structured play time. Play time challenges : Continuous training for Year 5/6 Play Leaders that provides them with structured activities they can lead. Promotion of healthy lifestyles Support vulnerable children Reward Support families with work commitments Breakfast club run and attended by staff, children and families: Provide a variety of food and exercise every morning to ensure that everyone has the best start to the day possible. Ensure emotional and physical well-being of staff After school dance club every Friday Use of new outdoor space tennis area – astro turf Use of school gym To raise children’s expectations of their own achievements so they learn to succeed Embed a positive, mental attitude which enables them to overcome hurdles and barriers Celebration of achievements Development of key life skills Residentials: Coast to coast cycle European visits (Dance) Wales/Lake District (Walking) Year 6 Hebden Trail Year 4 Malham walk Summer School
School Improvement Priorities PriorityAction Improving quality of out door spaces Ensure access to local state of the art facilities Developing of outdoor space – new astro turf – new playtime rotas to ensure effective use of space Raise the standard of teaching and learning in gymnastics. Golden ticket trip to Diamond gymnastics club Aim to invite specialist gym coaches for staff INSET and workshops with children Training of sports staff in gymnastics coaching To continue development of skills amongst staffExperienced and specialist staff to hold staff INSET for specific sports
Physical Education PriorityAction Ensure that provision is in place for teaching of key skills in PE lessons throughout the school PE yearly overview (Hyperlink) Teach a balanced curriculum To ensure that there are a range of resources available at playtime Provide containers of varied sporting playground equipment appropriate to each age group in their play ground. Training for midday supervisors and play leaders To ensure that PE is a high priority in school and that children have the opportunity to take part in a range of sports so they understand the importance of physical activity for their health. Healthy Schools Week: Sporting activities throughout the week culminating in a whole school Sports Day. Continue to celebrate achievements of children in sports through assemblies and medals Bus tour and meal for all the children involved in the success of sports throughout the year Dance Week: Exposure to variety of dance styles
Clubs and competitive school sports PriorityAction Holistic approach to educating the whole child Well rounded children Broader and balanced curriculum To broaden cultural perspectives and showcase sport in a positive light Oosh clubs: Cheerleading, Dance, Rounders, Tennis, Cycling, Balance bikes, rugby, gymnastics, football, tennis, cricket To raise the quality of PE skills to a competitive levelOosh clubs: Football, Rugby, Cricket, Netball, Cross Country, Athletics,
Budget ActionOut going cost PE specialist coaches£18,702 Management of PE throughout school / running of PE events£12,370 Action Plan for PE resources and equipment£7,020 Total£38,092 Incoming funds PE funding given to school£9,381 Money allocated to PE by Parkinson Lane School£28,711 Total£38,092