OnBase Basics – Document Retrieval Hyland Software Presenter: [Name] Date: [Date]
Working With OnBase What is OnBase Document Retrieval Document Type Groups (DTG) Document Types (DT) Keywords (KW) Questions
What is OnBase? OnBase is a software application that provides businesses an efficient means to manage all of the content that passes through the various departments and across its campuses. ‘Content’ is considered anything that comes into the College via paper, fax, e-mail, e-files, e-forms… etc. OnBase contains the tools to quickly search, route, access, monitor, update, etc. any information contained in the system.
Document Retrieval The most common function performed Search by any of the following to narrow your search: Document Type Group Document Type Keywords Dates Text Search
Document Retrieval Window Here is the Document Retrieval Window It contains is a power house of selections for searching for documents and information. Familiarize yourself with each area: Document Type Group Document Types Keywords You can also search by Dates, for specific Text, and for Notes.
Document Type Groups Choose the Document Type Group (DTG) you would like to search from. Only DTGs you have been given rights to see will display. Begin setting up your search by choosing the Document Type Group Document Type Groups are named for the particular group of documents it contains, or for the Department who will be accessing a particular set of documents. For example, a Document Type Group of ‘Admissions’ would contain all of the different types of documents that would be accessed by this Department, and would include such items as Student Application, Correspondence, Letters of Recommendation, Transcripts, and so on….
Document Types The Document Types (DT) associated with the DTG will display. Select one or several DTs that you would like to search. Once the Document Type Group is selected the Document Types associated with it will display. Document Types are the Documents contained within the Document Type Group You can select one, a few, or all of the Document Types to search from.
Keywords The Keywords associated with the DT will display as blank field ready for your entry. Type key information in one or several KW fields to search for information. With the Document Type Group selected, and the Document Type(s) selected, the next level is Keywords. A Keyword is a unique identifier used to locate documents stored in the system. If you do not know the keyword you are looking for, drop-down menus are available to provide assistance, and are accessible by clicking the box with the downward pointing arrow located to the right of the keyword field. Note: If you do not see any drop-down boxes, it can be turned on under through User/User Options. Only Keywords that are present on all the Document Types that you selected will appear as entry fields here. If no Keyword fields display based on your current selection, or the field you were looking to search does not display, you may consider going back to the Document Types and de-selecting until you see the Keyword fields you want to search. Try a few searches and see how this works. Type into the available Keyword fields to search for your information. Remember you can also use wildcards like “*” or “?” if you are unsure of the exact keyword. For instance, you know that the Student’s first name begins with an R and last name is “Gruber”; in the Name field type “R*Gruber”.
Run your search Make your selections and click Find to run your search. Once you have made all of your selections (which might also include by Date), click Find to run your search. The Find button is located at the bottom of the Document Retrieval Window
Document Search Results ‘Hit list’ of search results. Click on any document to open and view it. To view multiple documents, hold down the Ctrl key and click on the document When your search is complete, OnBase will display the Document Search Results window with a ‘hit list’ containing the results of your search.
Document view Individual document with thumbnails Individual documents appear with thumbnail images at the bottom of the document screen so that you can quickly and easily move within the document, zoom in, reorder, delete, etc.