OPPIS performances in Run-6. First 4 weeks. RSC meeting, February 10, 2006
A new semiconductor probe laser for Faraday rotation polarimeter. 40 kW Ar-ion laser “Toptica” laser 150 mW at 780 nm 300 W power supply.
Polarized H - ion current pulse out of 200 MeV linac. Faradey rotation polarization sinal. 500 uA cuurent At 200 MeV. 85-hole ECR Source for the maximum polarization. 400 uS 12· polarized H - /pulse.
Rb-vapor thickness measurement by Faraday rotation technique.
SONA-TRANSITION. Sona- transition ECR-zone Polarization transfer from electrons to protons. Correction coil
Magnetic field gradient in the Sona-region. Longitudinal Bz field in the Sona region at different correction coil current settings.
Correction coil scan. Ionizer coil current – 220 A
A new (short 230 mm) optically-pumped Rb-vapor cell assembly. A new vacuum chamber. A new cooling system. A new water cooled deflecting plates.
Proton polarization vs Rb vapor thickness. Long Rb cell A new short Rb cell
200 MeV polarization measurements (raw). 121 hole ECR Probe laser Failure. 55 hole ECR Jan16 Febr.6
A new APD detectors at 200 MeV polarimeter.
Signals from Avalanche Photo Diodes from LED and Ru-106 beta-source.
Upgrade status. A new semiconductor laser for the Faraday rotation polarimeter was installed, aligned and tuned. This reduced total souce power consumption from 65 kW to 15 kW. The cause of laser diode failures was identified and fixed. A new Rb-cell assembly was built and tested. It should improve the polarization (slightly). The old Rb-cell will be a spare. There are still considerable polarization losses at the Sona-transition. The ECR source upgrades improved the reproducibility and reliable long term operation at high bem intensity. A new APD-based proton detectors for 200 MeV polarimeter were built and tested.
Conclusions. BNL OPPIS reliably delivered polarized H - ion beam (P= 80-82%) in the 2005 run for the RHIC spin program. A beam intensity exceeds RHIC limit, which allowed strong beam collimation in the Booster, to reduce longitudinal and transverse beam emittances. In the 2006 run we will try to revitalize the p-D polarimeter for the absolute polarization value measurements After upgrade the OPPIS provides sufficient intensity and higher polarization for the Spin 2006 run in RHIC.