Alexander III Nmg 07
The new Tsar Younger son of Alexander II Typified the ‘Russian Bear’ Conservative in outlook Influenced by men like Pobedonostsev “Autocracy, Orthodoxy and Nationality”
Konstantin Pobedonostsev Chief Procurator of the Holy Synod Influential political thinker of period Rejected liberal ideas of Alexander II Fiercely critical of the West Supported Russification
The New Conservatism Police given extra-ordinary powers Suspects could be arrested & held for 3 months Local press could be fined & closed down Local councils (rural & urban) could be closed down
Early attempts to reverse reforms of Alexander II Restrictions on the Press Restrictions on Zemstva Land Captains
Economic Development: 1880s Industrial weakness clearly shown by loss of Crimean War Other major European powers taking advantage of technological progress Many reasons why Russia not ready for an industrial revolution Some important steps already taken under Alexander II
How to industrialise? Ivan Vyshnegradsky “My aim is to create financial stability in order to attract foreign loans.” “To do this I will raise taxation and export grain. We must go hungry, but export” By 1891 import duties raised to 33% Budget in surplus in 1892, first French loans 1888 Huge pressure on peasantry – grain exports were increased by 18% as % of total exports Consequence of policy was huge famine which cost 1.5 – 2 million lives Widespread criticism of the government Zemstva did best to make up for lack of central government action
Industrialisation under Witte Increased wealth ►more complex but harmonious society Russia’s late start meant she could leap- frog others nations. Rapid industrialisation would lessen social instability Scheme to be financed by foreign loans “Save Russia by rapid and forceful industrialisation”
Success or failure? Major investment in railways needed – greatest success was the Trans-Siberian Railway Index of economic growth seems to indicate high level of success Remember Russia started from a very low base – compared to Britain and Germany Russia did NOT have an industrialised economy Witte’s policies (“The Great Spurt”) were continued by the tsarist regime. He also carried out limited reform to improve conditions for the workers. He also put Russia on the Gold Standard. Russia was a major debtor nation by 1914!
Agriculture under the Tsars Big contrast between industrial & agricultural policies Ministry of Interior kept faith with the concept of the mir Many problems still existed from the Edict of 1861
Continuing problems Ministry of Interior very conservative – feared ‘western influences’ Siberia offered as means to relieve pressure of land availability Massive population increase – averaged 1 million a year Peasant frustration shown at turn of the century