The development of China’s trade and China’s trade surplus The development of China’s trade after the reform and opening up Since the reform and opening up of China in 1978, China's foreign trade volume began to increase year by year. During this period, driven by the globalization of economy, world trade volume grew at a rapid pace. However, the growth of China's export was so fast that the share of China's export in world trade continuously rose.
China ’ s foreign trade in
1.1.2 China’s trade surplus and its causes YearTotalExportsImportsBalance Table : China ’ s foreign trade, ($ billion )
Total tradeTrade in goodsTrade in Services YearsExportImportBalanceExportImportBalanceExportImportBalance Table: China ’ s foreign trade development ( , 100 million U.S. dollars)
Imports and exports (%) exports (%)Imports (%) Stage Goods&Services Goods Services Table : The average growth rate of China ’ s foreign trade at different stages
Balance of China ’ s foreign trade (surplus and deficit) in
1.2 China’s foreign exchange reserves
YearsForeign exchangeGDP Percentage ( % ) Table : China ’ s foreign exchange ( , 100 million U.S. dollars)
GDP Total exports and imports Trade in goodsTrade in services Years Total Dependence (%) Total Dependence (%) Total Dependence (%) % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % Table : China ’ s Dependence upon Foreign Trade (100 million U.S. dollars,%)
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
1.3 More trade frictions between China and its main export markets The structure and shares of China’s export markets
Country/Regi on Japan Four Asian Dragons EU ASEAN America Russia Africa Latin America Table : China ’ s main export markets (%) The Four Tigers include Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Indonesia.
Country/Regi on Japan Four Asian Dragons EU ASEAN America Russia Africa Latin America Table : China ’ s main export markets (%) The Four Tigers include Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Indonesia.
Cou ntry/ Regi on ASEA N Euro pean Unio n Four Drag ons Four Tiger s Japa n Unit ed State s Table : China ’ s top import suppliers ( %)
RankCountry/RegionVolume($ billion)% Change over United States Japan Hong Kong of China South Korea Taiwan of China Germany Australia Malaysia Brazil India Table : China ’ s top trade partners, 2010 ($ billion)
Country/RegionExports Growth rate (%) Import s Growth rate ( % ) American EU Hong Kong of China ASEAN Japan Korea Indian Russia Australia Taiwan of China Table : China ’ s trade with major trading partners from January to September of 2012
1.3.2 More frequent trade frictions with the expansion of China’s exports
1.4 China’s foreign trade performance in the first three quarters of 2012
(I) Imports and exports recorded a low but steady growth, measures to stabilize foreign trade have given initial results.
(II) Exports to developed economies clearly differentiated and exports to emerging markets recorded a fast growing
Country/regi on Exports Change ( % ) Imports Change ( % ) Trade balance Total EU US ASEAN Japan China HK South Korea Russia China Taiwan India Australia Table: China ’ s trade with major partners, (US$100m)
(III) Central and western region recorded a sustained and rapid growth in exports despite a slowdown in eastern region
Region Year& item TotalEastern elevenCentral eightWestern twelve Value Share ( % ) Value Share ( % ) Value Share ( % ) 2000 Imp & Exp Exports Imports Imp & Exp Exports Imports Imp & Exp Exports Imports Imp & Exp Exports Imports Table: Foreign trade growth in eastern, central and western region since 2000 ( US$100m )
Notes : Eleven eastern provinces (cities) include Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Liaoning, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Shandong, Guangdong and Hainan ; eight central provinces include Shanxi, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Henan, Hubei and Hunan ; twelve western provinces ( cities and autonomous region ) include Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Sichuan, Chongqing, Guizhou, Yunnan, Tibet, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia and Xinjiang.
(IV) Imports of agricultural products grew rapidly and import growth in electromechanical products dropped
Domestically, a series of policy measures in expanding domestic demand and stabilizing overseas demand have being steadily implemented and began to produce effects, China’s economy on the whole moves smooth. The 18 th Congress of the Communist Party of China will further motivate the initiative for accelerating development, and this will be conducive to further promoting a steady and rapid economic growth. China’s economic growth in 2013 is widely expected by IMF and other organizations to outpace that of However, the foundations of a stable growth remains shaky, growth in domestic demand is conditioned by systematic and institutional obstacles, overcapacity in some sectors remains serious and the enterprises still face greater difficulties in production and operation.