Drill -“The fundamental role of governments is the principle of extending their territories” 1). How does this statement relate to absolutism?
Ivan the Terrible First Czar at age 16. Boyars (nobility) fought for power w/ Ivan. Absolute rule ex: Oprichniki Romanovs -“Good and Bad Periods” -Killed son, led to civil war
Peter the Great/Romanovs Time of Troubles (civil war) until the Romanov dynasty ( ) restores order for Russia.
Peter the Great (Reigned ) Toured West Autocratic Vitus Bering (Bering Strait) Preoccupation with ships/waterways led to “Grand Embassy” Led to Peter reforming Russia
“Westernized Russia” Limited the power of Church. Compulsory Army service(25 year stints). Examples of absolute rule? Encouraged exports (mercantilism) No beards dress, calendar, schools, newspapers etc. Peterhof (“Russian Versailles”) St. Petersburg – land won from the Great Northern War (1700) (8K v. 40K)
St. Petersburg Forced movement of nobles. Similar to whom? PUT RUSSIA ON THE MAP FOR IMPORTANCE IN EUROPE/WORLD!