Space derived geospatial data for sustainable development Gilberto Câmara National Institute for Space Research (INPE) Brazil


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Presentation transcript:

Space derived geospatial data for sustainable development Gilberto Câmara National Institute for Space Research (INPE) Brazil COPUOS Panel at UN, October 2011

The food challenge

Changes in dietary patterns: Meat consumption FAOSTAT 2007

The food challenge: technology gaps

Forests and food production: potential conflicts

Medium-resolution (5-50 m) earth observation satellites data are global public goods Earth observation satellites are essential for measuring land change

Full and open access to space-based information is indispensable for global sustainable development

Nature, 29 July 2010

CBERS-2B Launch (19 September 2007) CBERS: China Brazil Earth Resources Satellite Program

“A few satellites can cover the entire globe, but there needs to be a system in place to ensure their images are readily available to everyone who needs them. Brazil has set an important precedent by making its Earth-observation data available, and the rest of the world should follow suit.”

1 million images ( ) 1 million images (Jan-Aug-2009) GMES Data will be open access (2011) Open access data policy: a qualified success

in November, Yearly deforestation rate for : 27,100 km2

Public opinion reaction was strong What is the proper scientific reaction?

T2 – Loss of smaller trees How does deforestation happen? T1 – Selective logging T3 – Loss >50% of forestT4 – Loss >90% of forest

Floresta time dialy deforestation alerts Yearly rates of clear cuts INPE’s Monitoring Systems

Daily warnings of newly deforested large areas Real-time Deforestation Monitoring

Policing actions: illegal wood seizure 50% of operations in 2% of the area

Full data access = essential tool for Reducing deforestation in Amazonia

“By 2020, Brazil will reduce deforestation by 80% relative to 2005.” (pres. Lula in Copenhagen COP-15)

Market impact of deforestation reduction in Brazil EU-15 reduction % of 1990 levels Avoided def Brazil From 2005 to 2020, avoided deforestation by Brazil would be 4/5 of the total proposed EU-15 cuts 7,7 Gt CO2eq 6,1 Gt CO2eq

Jan-April/2011: 126% increase Keep watching!

Deforestation hotspots: March-May 2011

Deforestation hotspots: June-August 2011

Keep watching! DETER data from 1-10 october 2011

25 Are biofuels replacing food production in Brazil? source: INPE

Sugarcane expansion

Transparency builds governance! CBERS image Science (27 April 2007): “ Brazil´s monitoring system is the envy of the world ”. Deforestation Degradation

CBERS promoting data democracy CBERS satellites and Brazil’s technology will provide information about global land change on the tropics Cuiabá Boa Vista Chetumal Maspalomas Aswa n Jo´burg Malindi Gabon Urumchi Miyun Ghuangzhou Darwin Alice Springs Bangcoc

Environmental issues are best handled with participation of all citizens. Each individual shall have appropriate access to information concerning the environment. RIO-92 Declaration – principle #10

RIO + 20: bulding on principles from RIO-92 We need a new convention on the public availability of environmental information