CoPS has built SinoTERM: a Chinese multi-regional model based on TERM To investigate issues such as: regional development planning food security trade policy national/provincial financial relations energy/greenhouse policy internal migration cost/benefit analysis of transport infrastructure
China is the country most suited to TERM Big: 30+ provinces Regional Issues Environmental problems Important inland and hinterland regions A tradition of planning Fairly good technical and data resources
Advantages of TERM framework for modelling China The only way to model 30+ regions “bottom-up” A data strategy which preserves commodity detail and delivers results in finite time. Simulation-specific commodity aggregation to suit particular issues Allows detailed representation of transport costs –Better roads in Anhui increase trade between Henan and Zhejiang.
30+ is a large number of regions for a CGE model Income from port activity servicing other regions Regional Income differences Transport costs Regional differences in industrial structure Climate change
Features of SinoTERM Database: size 31 provinces x 137 sectors Based on 2002 Input-Output table, with agriculture disaggregated by CoPS And using a variety of regional data For simulations, usually aggregated to approx 31 provinces x 45 sectors
More Features of SinoTERM 2 household types: Rural and Urban Future Improvements: additional equations and data to model: –more detail in energy and agriculture sectors –labour migration –direct taxation –transfers between provincial and central government
CoPS seeks Chinese partners: able to participate in model-building process, by gathering data and suggesting best modification of TERM equations to Chinese priorities. able to locate funds either from Chinese or foreign sources. CoPS has no independent funding to pursue this project.