26 September 2003Paul Dauncey - DAQ1 System-wide triggering and DAQ issues Paul Dauncey Imperial College London, UK.


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Presentation transcript:

26 September 2003Paul Dauncey - DAQ1 System-wide triggering and DAQ issues Paul Dauncey Imperial College London, UK

26 September 2003Paul Dauncey - DAQ2 Need high statistics for accurate simulation comparison Multiple set-ups (energy, particle type, HCAL, angle, etc) ~ 10 2 Need high statistics per set-up; accurate to 3  needs ~ 10 6 Need clean data for accurate simulation comparison Remove double particle events and cosmics in time with beam Minimum trigger bias Need to take data in a reasonable time For 10 8 events total, need around ~100 Hz average 10 6 seconds is around two weeks continuous running time Several months realistic beam time Look here at non-calorimeter elements of the system Timing, trigger handling and distribution Beam monitoring and slow controls DAQ software System requirements

26 September 2003Paul Dauncey - DAQ3 Latency of overall trigger path < 180ns This is from peak of shaping time in VFE chip for sample-and-hold HCALs may set stricter requirement; not yet defined Implies all electronics must be within radiation area Jitter on trigger < 10ns This is again from VFE shaping; gives peak within 1% What is spread of shaping times between VFE chips? (If >10ns within a VFE PCB, then give direct contribution to resolution.) Again, HCAL may have stricter jitter requirement; as yet unknown (but see later) Several trigger types must be selectable Beam, beam veto, cosmic, software, external clock; others? Allow different trigger types inside and outside a spill; needed? Trigger: requirements

26 September 2003Paul Dauncey - DAQ4 Use trigger as system-wide synchronisation marker All timing done relative to trigger arrival time; each system can clock itself independently Removes need for Fast Control and Timing System (no one signed up for this anyway) Trigger sent after event, not before No assumptions about beam line signals available Cosmics can be done in an identical way Requires removal of double particle events (with second particle after trigger) offline Double particle events with second particle before trigger can be vetoed in trigger logic Trigger on external detector (e.g. scintillators), not calorimeter Removes need for trigger electronics at VFEs Minimum bias; easy to simulate Trigger: overview

26 September 2003Paul Dauncey - DAQ5 Need to hold off further triggers until finished previous event Sample-and-hold at VFE cannot be released until data digitised DHCAL has no such requirement; could handle multiple events Does not necessarily require data read out through VME; ECAL boards can buffer up to 2k events Need to enable configuration of different trigger types PC controlled, not require recabling Need to read out some event data for trigger itself Record type of trigger which caused event Offline second particle detection and removal Must be only one control interface to PC in whole system No way to synchronise different PCs to accuracy required Trigger: control requirements

26 September 2003Paul Dauncey - DAQ6 Assume someone provides trigger scintillators with logic in NIM E.g. DESY provides two crossed scintillators, 1  1cm 2, with PMTs, HV, discriminators and NIM logic in beam line Trigger routed through one of ECAL readout boards Provides trigger replication,distribution and timing adjust for HCAL and beam monitoring Provides trigger VME interface for control Trigger: distribution path Trg Logic LVDS-to-NIM HCAL ECAL trg board NIM-to-LVDS ECAL other boards LVDS? NIM? Beam monitor

26 September 2003Paul Dauncey - DAQ7 VME control logic imbedded in FPGA on ECAL readout board Identical firmware in all FPGAs; only activated on one board Trigger: control implementation

26 September 2003Paul Dauncey - DAQ8 AHCAL extremely likely to use silicon PMs for readout Possibly in parallel with APD readout Major complication for trigger Intrinsic signal shape around 30ns; too short for “after event” trigger distribution Noise rate ~ 2MHz at lowest energies Shaping signal to peak at ~ 150ns may introduce too much noise to distinguish individual channel peaks; needs study May have to have “pre-trigger” signal Hope real trigger arrives within ~10ns of signal peak Straightforward if beam line signals available to make pre-trigger Otherwise, potentially, efficiency of only ~ 5% Cosmics are still a problem One other possibility is “self-trigger” Issues of bias and trigger distribution from HCAL VFEs Trigger: HCAL SiPMs?

26 September 2003Paul Dauncey - DAQ9 Need some tracking within the beam line Resolution should be much better than pad size ~1 cm May be provided in beam line, e.g. DESY has an old Zeus silicon strip detector telescope (but no one has succeeded in reading it out recently) If not, we need to supply one (but no one signed up to do this) Tracking must be read per event; technology/format unknown If mixed particle beam, need particle ID also Cherenkov, TOF; also provided? Slow controls “Control” less important; monitoring is what is needed Read out supply voltages and translation stages; also temperature, pressure? Low rate of read out needed; ~ 1 Hz? Independently of event readout Again readout technology/format unknown (to us); is anything defined for this yet? Beam monitoring and slow controls

26 September 2003Paul Dauncey - DAQ10 Event rate of ~ 1 kHz during spill, ~ 100 Hz average DHCAL may require rate limited to ~300 Hz during spill Event sizes of up to 40 kBytes Read all data without zero suppression (except DHCAL) Implies 40 MBytes/s peak readout without buffering; this exceeds maximum rate within a single VME crate Read out ECAL, (A/D)HCAL, trigger, beam line monitoring (Potentially) separate crates, (potentially) different technologies Flexible configuration to work in several beam lines Minimise dependence on external networking, etc. Also must be able to run ECAL and HCAL separately during initial tests Need to take many different types of runs Beam data, beam interspersed with pedestals, calibration, cosmics, etc. DAQ: requirements

26 September 2003Paul Dauncey - DAQ11 Many unknowns; keep flexible Plug-and-play components to be bolted together later as required Simple and robust data structure Keep all information in one place; run file is self-contained All configuration data used stored within file All slow controls readout stored within file Eases merge with simulation and analysis formats Allow arbitrarily complex run structure Number and type of configurations completely flexible within a run Triggers within and outside of spills can be different and can be identified offline Implementation POSIX-compliant (mostly!) C++ running on Linux PCs VME using SBS 620 VME-PCI interface, VME software based on HAL ROOT for graphics and (possibly) eventual persistent data storage DAQ: concept

26 September 2003Paul Dauncey - DAQ12 Multi-PC system driven by common run control PC Each PC is independent; can have separate technology (VME, PCI, CAMAC, etc) PC configuration can be changed easily; single VME crate readout for separate system tests possible. Multiple tasks could be run on one PC; e.g. run control, ECAL and event build Prefer PCs outside radiation area if possible Have own hub and network (cost?) or rely on network infrastructure at beam line? DAQ: overview

26 September 2003Paul Dauncey - DAQ13 Need to store C++ objects in type-safe but flexible way “Record” (generalised event; includes StartRun, EndRun, Event, SlowControls, etc) and “subrecords” (for ECAL, HCAL, etc.) DAQ: data structure Simple data array with identity for run-time type- checking Type-checking through simple id-to-class list Prevents misinterpretation of subrecord Record and subrecord handling completely blind to contents Arbitrary payload class (but cannot have virtual methods)

26 September 2003Paul Dauncey - DAQ14 All parts of DAQ driven round finite state machine Nested layers within run allow arbitrary numbers of configurations E.g. allows beam data, pedestals, beam data, pedestals… E.g. allows calibration at DAC setting 0, setting 1, setting 2… DAQ: state machine

26 September 2003Paul Dauncey - DAQ15 DAQ: data transfer Record movement via standardised interface (DIO) Within PC; each interface driven by separate thread, copy pointer only PC-to-PC; via socket (with same interface), copy actual data Standardised interface allows configuration of data handlers to be easily changed Flexibility to optimise to whatever configuration is needed; e.g. ECAL only Several building blocks needed (and exist)

26 September 2003Paul Dauncey - DAQ16 For tests, assume worst case; each subsystem (ECAL, HCAL, beam monitoring and slow controls) read out with separate PC Require one socket-socket branch for each DAQ: topology Each branch can read out separate technology (VME, PCI, etc) Monitor does not necessarily sample all events; its buffer allows through events only when spare CPU available

26 September 2003Paul Dauncey - DAQ17 First version of data structure software exists Records and subrecords; loading/unloading, etc. Arbitrary payload (templated) for subrecords First version of data transport software exists Buffers, copiers, mergers, demergers, etc. Arbitrary payload (templated) with specialisation for records First version of run control software exists Both automatic (pre-defined) and manual run structures VME hardware access working SBS 620 VME-PCI interface board installed in borrowed VME crate Using Hardware Access Library (CERN/CMS) These work together Sustained rates achieved depend critically on PCs, network between the PCs on the different branches, compiler optimisation, inlining, etc; a lot of tuning needed DAQ: status

26 September 2003Paul Dauncey - DAQ18 Write data and configuration classes Until VME board interfaces defined, cannot finalise data format for event data or for board configuration data Output data format Currently have ASCII and binary (endian specific) output formats Obvious choice would be ROOT; actual objects stored, can be used interactively, easy graphics, machine-independent, etc. However, HCAL people want to use LCIO instead; feasibility/limitations under investigation Will need to convert whatever raw data format is used to zero-suppressed analysis data format offline in “reconstruction” step Online monitoring Done via ROOT memory map facility (TMapFile); allows interactive real- time histogramming Need to write all code to actual define and fill histograms DAQ: major items still to be done

26 September 2003Paul Dauncey - DAQ19 MIDAS (PSI) No experience of using this in UK Written for ~MByte data rates, ~100 Hz event rates, single PC systems Limited state diagram; no ability to take different types of events in run A lot of baggage (databases, slow controls); more complex than required C, not C++, so less natural interface downstream (and not type-safe) XDAQ (CERN/CMS) Significant experience of this in Imperial; useful to have experts on hand Optimised for CMS; no beam spill structure and asynchronous trigger and readout but easily deals with CALICE event rates and data sizes Includes HAL automatically so (should be) simple to retrofit later Deserves further investigation If moving to an existing system, XDAQ seems more suitable (?) Beware of “3am crash” issue; it is hard to debug code written by other people in a hurry… DAQ alternatives: MIDAS? XDAQ?

26 September 2003Paul Dauncey - DAQ20 Trigger Several uncertainties still, particularly with HCAL SiPMs Central control and distribution within ECAL Beam monitoring and slow controls Concept of how to include these What they physically are still very uncertain DAQ Prototype DAQ system exists Allows multiple PCs so partitionable Other existing DAQ systems could/should be studied further Summary