SEE Public Agenda Survey January-February 2002 Organized by International IDEA and SEEDS Network Main findings of the MACEDONIA quantitative survey 14.


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Presentation transcript:

SEE Public Agenda Survey January-February 2002 Organized by International IDEA and SEEDS Network Main findings of the MACEDONIA quantitative survey 14 March 2002


3 SMMRI Right direction of the country

4 SMMRI The three most important issues for the population

5 SMMRI Unemployment

6 Poverty

7 Corruption

8 Personal Fears (What do you fear the most in the present?)


10 SMMRI Poverty, hunger

11 SMMRI Unemployment

12 SMMRI Unstabile state and society

13 SMMRI Opinion on pace of transition to market economy

14 SMMRI Opinion on pace of transition to market economy - Too fast

15 SMMRI Opinion on pace of transition to market economy - Too slow

16 SMMRI Opinion on pace of transition to market economy - It is right


18 SMMRI Personal economic situation: worse and better than one year ago

19 SMMRI Personal economic situation: worse and better than one year ago

20 SMMRI Personal economic situation: worse and better than one year ago

21 SMMRI Personal economic situation: satisfaction with the current level

22 SMMRI Personal economic situation: satisfaction with the current level

23 SMMRI Personal economic situation: satisfaction with the current level

24 SMMRI Personal economic situation: one year to come

25 SMMRI Personal economic situation: one year to come

26 SMMRI Personal economic situation: one year to come

27 SMMRI Personal economic situation : 5 year expectations

28 SMMRI Personal economic situation : 5 year expectations

29 SMMRI Personal economic situation : 5 year expectations


31 SMMRI Trust in public personalities (trust very much + trust a fair amount)

32 SMMRI Public personalities awareness

33 SMMRI Trust in local institutions (trust very much + trust a fair amount)

34 SMMRI What party would you vote for if the parliamentary elections were held next Sunday? Base: total sample excepting those who would not vote or don’t know

35 SMMRI What do you think would be the best way for our country to protect its interests?

36 SMMRI Opinion on statements: “At least two strong political parties competing in the elections”

37 SMMRI Opinion on statements: “A government that guarantees economic equality of its citizens ”

38 SMMRI Opinion on statements: “A justice system treating everybody equally ”

39 SMMRI Opinion on statements: “The freedom to criticise the government ”

40 SMMRI Opinion on statements: “A government that guarantees meeting the basic economic needs of all the citizens ”

41 SMMRI Opinion on statements: “Equal representation of women and men in elected positions ”

42 SMMRI Opinion on statements: “Economic prosperity in the country ”


44 SMMRI Trust in international personalities (trust very much + trust a fair amount)

45 SMMRI International personalities awareness

46 SMMRI Trust in international institutions (trust very much + trust a fair amount)

47 SMMRI International institutions awareness

48 SMMRI How much have you read or heard about the Stability Pact in SouthEastern Europe ?

49 SMMRI How likely it is for the international community to provide the support, it has promised to your country within the Stability Pact?

50 SMMRI How likely it is for the international community to provide the support, it has promised to your country within the Stability Pact?

51 SMMRI Would it be good for our country to cooperate more with the following countries or territories? (very good + good)

52 SMMRI To what extent the following countries represent a threat to your country? (very great extent + great extent )





57 SMMRI Does the media in our country today report the truth about political and national issues?

58 SMMRI In general, do you think mass media in our country are…


60 SMMRI Would you like to be a member of:

61 SMMRI Those who would like to become member of…

62 SMMRI Which of the rights listed below you think the minorities ethnic group should be entitled to?

63 SMMRI Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

64 SMMRI In the next years, what do you think is the key of success in our country?