Notes les 2-3 octobre Les pronoms d’objet direct (Direct object pronouns) A direct object receives the action of a verb directly and an indirect object receives the action of a verb indirectly.
Indirect objects are frequently preceded by the preposition à, no preposition is needed before the direct object. Je lis un livre. ↑ direct object Je lis un livre à mon petit frère. ↑ indirect object
You can use a direct object pronoun in the place of a direct object noun.
Place a direct object pronoun before the conjugated verb.
In a negative statement, place the direct object pronoun between ne/n’ and the conjugated verb. When an infinitive follows a conjugated verb, the direct object pronoun comes before the infinitive.
When a direct object pronoun is used with the passé composé, the past participle must agree with it in both gender and number.