SSCs in Dundee Dr Michael Murphy SSC Convenor Clinical Senior Lecturer in Biochemical Medicine
Dundee Curriculum Phase 1 (Semester 1) Phase 2 (Semesters 2 through 6) Phase 3 (Years 4 and 5)
SSCs in the Dundee Curriculum Year 1 Years 2 & 3 Year 4 Year 5 Longitudinal SSC 4 x 4-week SSC blocks Longitudinal assignment Clinical & Theme SSCs
SSC learning outcomes 1.Competent in clinical skills 2.Competent to perform practical procedures 3.Competent to investigate a patient 4.Competent to manage a patient 5.Competent to give advice on health promotion and disease prevention 6.Competent in communication skills 7.Competent to retrieve and handle information 8.Understanding of social, basic and clinical sciences and underlying principles 9.Appropriate attitudes, ethical understanding and legal responsibilities 10.Appropriate decision making skills and clinical reasoning and judgement 11.Appreciation of the role of the doctor within the health service 12. Aptitude for personal development MAJOR a major component of teaching and assessment MINORa minor component of teaching and assessment N/Anot addressed at all by this SSC/SPSSC
Assessment of SSCs Components of assessment –Course-work –Interest and motivation –Reliability Standardised assessment form –Free text Feedback to supervisors Double marking of high/low grades Anti-plagiarism software
SSC programme development GMC (‘Tomorrow’s Doctors’) Availability Curriculum Review External SSCs SPSSCs Links with other medical schools