The Romantic Period Amber Vest, Saul Vazquez, Jesus Sarmiento, Brendan Barry, Sam Mullins, Jazlin Gaytan, michael silvas
Who Is A Romantic Writer A few romantic writers would be. William Shakesphere William Blake Lord Byron
Romantic Writings Some romantic writings are Romeo and Juliet, the Tyger, and the Lamb
The Beginning The romantic period started in the 1400s A common misconcepion is that romanticism was primarily about love, this is not true. It was about the interest in intense emotion.
Romantic Symbolism Knight in shining armor Romeo and juliet
Some genres from this There are other genres that formed from romanticism Some of these would be Horror or terror Suspense Dramatic
Where’s it from? Romanticism started in england during the 14oo’s Most romantic writers are from england and some were influenced by it and lived in other countries
All the way All art forms were effected by this movement Painting Music Theatre EVERYTHING
Vocabulary 1. Exotic- Foreign; stranger or different in a way that is striking. 2. Secular- Relating to worldly things as opposed to religion. 3. Residential - Characterized by private homes. 4. Privileged- Having rights or advantages denied to others. 5. Institution- Established law, custom, or practice. 6. Industrial- Of or connected with industries or manufacturing.
Vocabulary 7. Conventional- Usually an adjective, it refers as a noun to whatever follows rules and is not original. 8. Routine- Regular, customary procedure. 9. Foibles- Small weaknesses in character.