National Tribal Air Association Webinar October 15, 2015
Clean Power Plan NTAA Comments Building Blocks Multistate Plans Cap-and-Trade Programs State and Multistate National Environmental Justice Tribal Consultation
Federal Plan EPA request for comments No comments about underlying Clean Power Plan Types of plans Trading Plans Rate-Based Federal plan for each state / Model rule for states to adopt Mass-Based Federal plan for each state / Model rule for states to adopt EPA could choose single option for federal plan
Federal Plan EPA request for comments Rate-Based Plan Emission Rate Credits (ERCs) Set-Asides Clean Energy Incentive Program Renewable Energy projects Demand-Side Energy Efficiency projects Mass-Based Plan Allowances Set-Asides Output-Based for EGUs Clean Energy Incentive Program Renewable Energy Projects
Impactful and Substantive Comments Pre-Comment Letter Development Establish your Tribal identity Gather data to support Tribal identity Personalize Comment Letter Initial thoughts about comments Set-Asides Vulnerable and/or Overburdened Communities Plan impacts Tribal Consultation Federal Plan for Indian Country
Evaluating Proposed Rule for Tribal Implications Research Table of Contents Preamble Search terms such as “comment” and “tribe” Statutory Executive Orders Executive Order 13175, Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments Executive Order 12898: Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations Executive Order 13045, Protection of Children of Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks