Technical regulation system in the construction sphere in Russia Director of department of conformity assessment and certification Tel./fax: +7(495) Bryanskaya str., 5, Moscow 1 President Non-commercial partnership of constructors of small and medium business Tel./fax: +7(495) Bld. 12/18, Bolshoy Savvinsky side-street, Moscow Dmitry S. Philippov Milan, Italy, 19 November 2009
1 step (till 1923 to nearly 1990): This stage of regulation is characterized by using in norms the term “quality”, the term “safety” is implied in term “quality” as a mandatory guaranteed part 2 step (till 1991 to dec. 2002): Those terms have the same meanings and used in norms and federal acts equally 3 step (after the adoption of the federal act “On technical regulation” December 27, 2002) The term “safety requirements” is introduced in federal act and as a mandatory rule controlled by the State, and everything, linked with “quality”, is now out of State control and applies to Business Evolution of terms and difference between ”quality” and “safety” in Russia
Functions of the State in USSR, construction sphere « government control », control centralization and full responsibility of the State for safety and quality of the products; timely standards development by the respective Ministries and competent institutions; significant means for actualization of the normative documentation; average standards actualization period – 5 years. As a result the creation of the normative documentation basis, in building sphere considered to be one of the best in the world. standardsdeveloper customer producer sellercontroller insurer consumer
System of technical regulation in the construction sphere of the Russian Federation, approved by MSTRS RSPP is to be adopted, adopted Agreement on Technical Barriers in Trading between WTO member states Federal Act «On the technical regulation» №184-FZ (under rev. №65-FZ, №309-FZ) Federal Act «On standardization» Federal Act «On accreditation» Legislative Codes Federal Acts Technical regulation «On safety of buildings and structures» Directive 89/106 EEC of the Council of 21 December 1988 «state» (federal) Russian standard - mandatory, harmonized with the Directive 89/106/EEC, Eurocodes and ЕN standards «Russian standard», voluntary (recommended) List of national standards and codes of practice Guides and standards ISO on construction incl. terms and definitions Technical regulations in related spheres It is necessary to make amendments on the following: with the Federal Act «On standardization» adoption, with the Federal Act «On accreditation» adoption it is necessary to make amendments on realization of possibility to make indirect references on standards in technical regulations, on state control within the full life cycle of the buildings and structures, on implementation of the authorization (notification) procedure of the conformity assessment bodies, on realization of the 8 modules requirements within conformity assessment, on realization of the standards ISO requirements.
Требования System of technical regulation in the construction sphere of the Russian Federation, approved by MSTRS RSPP based on: Common Economic Space Roadmap – May 2005 WTO Accession Includes obligations to comply with Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Agreement TBT is basis for Russian and EU legislation on technical regulations and standards
Relevant problems: 184-ФЗ «О Техническом регулировании» ФЗ Технический регламент о безопасности зданий и сооружений ФЗ Технический регламент о безопасности строительных материалов Требования к составу проектной документации Национальные стандарты и/или своды правил Определенный Правительством России перечень национальных стандартов, определяющих правила и методы исследований испытаний и измерений Federal act (FZ-184 “On technical regulation” under rev. №65-FZ, №309-FZ) is nearly harmonized with the Directive 2001/95/EC conformity assessment Many standards haven’t been renewed for more then 10 years Regulations in construction sphere in Russia Federal acts “On safety of buildings and constructions” and “On safety of construction materials” are far from being harmonized with the Directive 89/106/EC Требования Completely away from the harmonization. The main problem. Realized with 16 systems of obligatory certification. List of national standards containing rules and methods of research (testing) and measurements
Accreditation in Russia Требования It is essential to develop well and adopt the federal act ”On accreditation”, to set up a unified state accreditation institution Introduce the institution of the notified bodies at the legislative level To harmonize the standards with the European standards EN (ISO 17000)
Relevant problems: technical regulations what to do Approve the System of technical regulations in Russia by the Ministry or region development Exclude the direct references to the standards in technical regulations, replace them by the indirect references Develop and adopt Federal act “on standardization” close to the appropriate European acts for: Awake business community to develop standards Make the several series of standards mandatory Make the standards renewal procedure efficient Start the harmonization of Russian standards with international and European norms, implementation of them, when possible Approve the System of technical regulations in Russia by the Ministry or region development Exclude the direct references to the standards in technical regulations, replace them by the indirect references Develop and adopt Federal act “on standardization” close to the appropriate European acts for: Awake business community to develop standards Make the several series of standards mandatory Make the standards renewal procedure efficient Start the harmonization of Russian standards with international and European norms, implementation of them, when possible
International standards: Требования Open meetings, voluntary participation. Transfer international experience. Maintain best practices and codification of knowledge for improved solutions that ensures HSE compliance. Voluntary use of ISO & CEN standards. Reduce need for company specifications. Can support national regulations and reduce text of national regulatory documents (New Approach Directives in Europe)
Thank you for your attention 10 Dmitry S. Philippov Milan, Italy, 19 November 2009 President Non-commercial partnership of constructors of small and medium business Tel./fax: +7(495) Bld. 12/18, Bolshoy Savvinsky side-street, Moscow Director of department of conformity assessment and certification Tel./fax: +7(495) Bryanskaya str., 5, Moscow