So you’re considering a career in primary teaching... Richard English Faculty of Education The University of Hull
Why Teach? An extremely varied career
Why Teach? A very demanding and challenging career.
Why Teach? A reasonably well-paid and secure career.
But the most important reasons...
Are you thinking of teaching as a career? Visit schools Talk to teachers Work with children Consider the possible postgraduate routes into teaching...
Postgraduate Routes into Teaching Postgraduate Certificate in Education e.g. Primary PGCE course at Hull Campus (5 to 11 year olds) e.g. Early Years PGCE at Scarborough (3 to 7 year olds) e.g. Secondary PGCE courses at Hull Campus (various specialist subjects) Details of Hull PGCE courses at Details of Scarborough Early Years PGCE course at
Postgraduate Routes into Teaching School Direct Salaried route Non-Salaried route
Main Features of the Hull Primary (5 to 11) PGCE Course One-year, full-time course, lasting 38 weeks Course starts at the beginning of September About two-thirds of the time is spent in schools >Two 8-week block placements – ‘Teaching Practice’ >Plus other focused work in schools Substantial training in all primary curriculum areas Strong emphasis on ICT e.g. using interactive whiteboards Professional Studies lectures, workshops and tutorials Many sessions are provided by local teachers It’s a demanding course, but a very rewarding course 60 credits at Masters level Finish at the end of June
Key things to be aware of Strong competition for primary places The GCSE requirements The Professional Skills Tests (numeracy and literacy) Do a Google search for ‘Professional Skills Tests’ You need to show a commitment to primary education Apply sooner rather than later (single portal for all routes opens on 21 st November)
Any Questions? Where can I find out more about a career in teaching? How do I apply? Applying for September 2014? Probably too late. Portal for September 2015 will become live in the autumn of Funding Arrangements? University fees to pay (£9000 – September 2013 figure) Student loans available Bursaries for those with a 1 st (£9000) or a 2:1 (£4000)
Any Other Questions?