Plastics A. Plastic is a common name for polymers: materials made of long strings of carbon and other elements. Each unit in a string is called a monomer, and is a chemical derived from oil, coal or natural gas. Monomers are made into polymers by joining the carbon atoms together.
There are many different types of plastic, depending on: The starting monomer selected The length of the polymer chains The type of modifying compounds added There are two main groups of plastics: thermoplastics soften with heat and harden with cooling, while thermosets are cured or hardened by heat.
The disposal of plastics causes major environmental problems. Efforts to reduce the environmental impact of waste plastics are: source reduction-using less material to manufacture a product biodegradable plastics-developing plastics that will disintegrate Incineration- some plastics can be burned through this is strictly regulated because of hazardous air emissions and other pollutants recycling plastics-making the plastics into new products collecting and sorting used plastics
B. Life would be different without plastics, as their features make them indispensable. A selection of plastic products ruler milk bottle refrigerator liner plastic bag electric cables bucketballpoint penaudio cassette shoes soles water pipes
Features of plastics attractive good insulators of heat or electricity lightweightnon-rusting hard and slippery hygienic cheap easy to shape and colour flexible soft and rubbery tough and slippery
C. Plastics are made into shapes in many ways. Here are some of the processes used. Extrusion-hot molten plastic is squeezed through a nozzle to make long lengths of special shapes like pipes. Blow extrusion-used for making plastic films and bags.
Injection moulding-lots of everyday articles like washers or bowls are made this way. Blow moulding-many bottles and toys are made this way.
Reaction injection moulding-used to make car bumpers and the meat trays in supermarkets. Fabrication-used to make acrylic signs and displays, and industrial thanks and equipment.