REASONS FOR EVANGELISM 2 Corinthians 5:9-21
To Please God V.9 This should be our goal To hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant” Can’t please men and God at the same time Galatians 1:10 James 4:4 Matthew 10:28
We will all be judged V.10 The more we are convinced of this, the more we will try to do right The resurrection of Jesus is proof that there will be a day of judgment Acts 17:30-31 This is when we will reap what we sow Galatians 6:7
We know the terror of the Lord V.11 The certainty of judgment reinforces a fear of God that is the beginning of wisdom Proverbs 1:7 Sinners will be punished 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9 No rest day or night Revelation 14:11 Sin is a serious problem Jesus died because of it Romans 3
The love of Christ compels us V.14 Jesus died for all people Hebrews 2:9 Because all died spiritually Isaiah 53:6 Romans 3:23 Does the love of God abide in you? Romans 5:5-8 1 John 4:16-19, 5:3 We will do for others what was done for us
All things are new V.17 A new way of looking at everything Ourselves v.17 a new creation in Christ Others v.16 not according to the flesh Our purpose in life v.15 not for self but for Christ who gave Himself for us You can have a brand new start in Christ
We represent Christ V.20 We are not ambassadors but we are representatives of Christ Ambassadors (apostles) have authority But we are commanded to go and teach all… Matthew 28:18-20 To be reconciled to God Luke 14:31-33