What’s new in events?
What’s new in lists and how can I utilize these new functionalities?
Query Result Set
What’s new for large lists and how to access them efficiently?
! Threshold!
How to define field or list item validations?
©2010 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. RTM Content - Published April 2010
How the rendering logic of lists have been improved?
WebPart BaseXsltData WebPart DataView WebPart (V2) DataForm WebPart (V3) BaseXsltList WebPart (v4) XsltListForm WebPart (V4) XsltListView WebPart (V4) ListForm WebPart ListView WebPart
XmlDefinitionXmlDefinitionListNameListNameXSLXSLSPDataSourceSPDataSource HTML XsltListView WebPart XslCompiled Transform CAML Query List Schema View Transform XML Data
Flexible form design for lists and forms in web parts
Improved Field Picker List Data Connection Library Data Connection List Forms