Feedback Italia S.p.A.
2 Software house which plans and develops Softwares for Interactive Video communication over IP protocol Feedback Italia S.p.A.
3 Video Contact Center Is the web release of easymeeting™ that allows - through the web browser - the communication in audio and video between two users The goal is to obtain a video contact center for remote users A new way to communicate with your customers that is simple, fast and independent from the physical location in which your partners are. Use case list: Pre-sales contact After sales support Customer care Customer loyalty program Specialist support
4 Video Contact Center desktop conception In its desktop conception, the service refers to the top customers of insurance and bank branches By using a simple PC equipped with webcam and microphone, users can enjoy the service directly from their desk. They connect in a dedicated session One-to-One with a company expert, available for specialist advice, for further details or real time provisions...And all from your own PC with the security that comes from the use of the most modern encryption algorithms.
5 Video Contact Center totem modality The application offers the possibility to set info points in different places as like as hall, agencies, stores, to use the video contact center interactively through standard hardware desks or external totem. In this case the consultation service will be related to the general public to show new products and get further information without going in one of the company’s office..
6 Video Contact Center how it works Videocontactcenter sessions are easymeeting™ calls in One-to- One mode between an user and a dedicated operator. The session is managed by a server and an Access Call Distribution mechanism. A service center receives the call from the remote user’s PC and gives it to the queue to be processed by operators. Totem 2 Totem 1 Totem 3 PC 1 PC 2 PC 3 Service Center Operator 1 Operator 2 Operator 4 Operator 3 Call waiting 1 Call waiting 2 Call waiting i Call waiting n
7 Video Contact Center how it works The operator sends customized document, see the database and extract data, perform the data-flow analysis and have a complete control of digital data as well as assists the user during the web browsing. The user gets a full assistance and a clear and direct relation with the company or the institution. This is a way to implement loyalty strategies for users and to help their needs to be informed as well as to assist totally both the top client and the most fussy one.
8 Video Contact Center example The user calls a video contact center of a products company’s directly from his own desk. The automatic mechanism that manages the queue forwards the call to the first available operator who is in charge to provide assistance to the user, according to his needs.
9 Video Contact Center example At any time the operator can send graphics, presentations or extrapolate data on which to base his own analysis for a consulting that is completely dedicated, confidential and oriented to the customers loyalty.. After the interaction, the operator inserts the notes related to the conversation just carried out. These information flow in the central database from which you can get all kind of statistics and data about the use of the instrument.
10 The Feedback Italia service on the Telecom Italia portal (PMI) The Telecom Italia portal “ PMI Net Evolution” shows all the services provided by Feedback Italia
11 Send an to with: Your personal data The service you’d like to try The potential customer to whom you want to show the service The Feedback Italia staff will respond immediately to arrange a virtual appointment to describe all the features of the product. How to request a demo of the other services of Feedback Italia
12 References - Health Sector
References - Services Sector
References – Finance Sector
15 References – Education Sector
16 Reference – Industry Sector
References – Industry Sector
References - Others
20 Feedback Italia S.p.A. Via J. F. Kennedy, Moncalieri (TO) Tel: Fax: – Office in Milan: Corso Venezia, 18 - c/o Palazzo Serbelloni, 3° floor RoleRiference CommercialEnrico MarketingLorella CommunicationClaudia Account Elena Cafarelli Veronica Quinzi Elisa Boscolo Pelo DemoAnnamaria LogisticsMassimiliano Chiadò AdministrationRita