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Presentation transcript:

Question 1 What is NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)? Mutual Defense Organization

Question 2 How was NATO used after WWII? Stop the spread of Communism

Question 3 What could U.S. no longer be after joining NATO? Isolationist because of its obligation to come to other members aid

Question 4 What was the Roosevelt Corollary an extension of ? Monroe Doctrine

Question 5 What was the Roosevelt Corollary used for? Protect Latin America from European colonization

Question 6 What did the Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) want? Prohibition

Question 7 What did Pancho Villa do? Led Mexicans into American territory

Question 8 What did theTennessee Valley Authority (TVA) do? New Deal project that built dams to control floods, bring electricity to region, and brought jobs to region

Question 9 Who were the Bonus Army? WWI veterans who marched on Washington and wanted their war bonus early

Question 10 What was the Marshall Plan used for? Funds used to rebuild Western Europe and supress communism

Question 11 Who wrote Silent Spring and what was the book about? Rachael Carson book against the use of pesticides

Question 12 What district in San Francisco is associated with the counterculture movement? Haight-Ashbury

Question 13 Who was Betty Friedan? Wrote the Feminine Mystique and rebirth of the women’s movement

Question 14 Why is the election of 1800 a turning point in American History? Power from one political party to another changed hands peacefully

Question 15 What is Horace Mann famous for? Education reform

Question 16 What territory is associated with or fight? Oregon Territory

Question 17 What war and country did the Rough Riders fight in? Spanish-American War in Cuba

Question 18 What does the 17 th Amendment do? Direct election of Senators

Question 19 What does the 26 th Amendment do? 18 or older can vote

Question 20 Why was John T. Scopes put on trial? Teaching evolution

Question 21 What group of people missed out on the prosperity of the 1920s? Farmers or people working in agriculture

Question 22 Why did the economy grow during WWI? People working in the war effort

Question 23 What year was Hawaii annexed and why? 1898 and was a stopping place on the way to Asia

Question 24 Why was Hawaii important to the U.S.? Have a naval base in the Pacific

Question 25 What was the ruling in Korematsu v. U.S.? Relocation of Japanese was constitutional because it was not base on race, but military urgency

Question 26 What was the outcome of the Swann v. Charlotte Board of Ed. Case? Forced busing

Question 27 Who was president when the Pure Food and Drug Act was passed? Theodore Roosevelt

Question 28 What could happen under the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution? President could send troops to foreign soil without Congressional approval

Question 29 What does the War Powers Act of 1973 do? Limited the President’s ability to send troops to foreign soil

Question 30 What did Plessy v Ferguson establish? Separate but equal

Question 31 What case overturned Plessy v Ferguson and what amendment was violated? Brown v Board of Ed. 14 th

Question 32 What President is associated with the Iran Contra Scandal? Ronald Reagan

Question 33 What President is associated with the Camp David Accords and the Iranian Hostage? Jimmy Carter

Question 34 What did Eisenhower have built that led to suburbia? Interstate Highway System

Question 35 What did the Republican party do in the 1912 election? Split the vote

Question 36 What does the United Nations do? Keep peace

Question 37 When was the United Nations formed? After World War II

Question 38 What part of the United Nations is responsible for keeping peace? Security council

Question 39 What did the Hudson River School do? Painted scenes depicting natural beauty found in America

Question 40 What was Vicksburg? Last Confederate stronghold on the Mississippi River

Question 41 What did Pinckney’s Treaty do? Gave the U.S. the right to navigate the Mississippi River

Question 42 What are the Virginia Resolutions? They are response to the Alien & Sedition Act and government got its power from the states and states could nullify acts