October Crisis Trudeau 1970
October Crisis Small group of radical separatists, the FLQ (Front de Liberation du Quebec) carried out bombings in cities, of symbols associated with British imperialism and the federal government (ie mail boxes)
October Crisis continued October 5, 1970 FLQ kidnapped James Cross, a British diplomat. Demanded 1. $500, T.V and radio broadcast time 3. Safe passage out of Canada 4. release of imprisoned FLQ members
October Crisis FLQ expected other Quebecers to support them Instead, Quebecers were numb with sock, having never expected terrorism in Canada, and did NOT support them
October Crisis continued – Oct 10 5 days later, Pierre Laporte, Quebec Minister of Justice was kidnapped Quebec went into a near panic Quebec Premier, Robert Bourassa asked the federal government for help – Oct 15. Pierre Trudeau (Prime Minister) asked parliament to proclaim the War Measures Act War Measures Act – Implemented Oct 16, 1970
October Crisis continued - October 17 FLQ announces Pierre Laporte has been executed. Pierre Laporte’s body was found in an abandoned car, Oct 17 One of his kidnappers / murders was caught on Nov 6 th The remainder were caught on December 28 James Cross was released on Dec 3 rd The kidnappers were flown to Cuba Bernard Lortie (charged with kidnapping and Murder of Laporte) leaving the court building
October Crisis wrap-up James Cross is released (60 days hostage) after negotiations with FLQ, on Dec 3 rd 5 known FLQ members given safe passage to Cuba on Dec 3 rd Remaining members are arrested on Dec 28 FLQ cell responsible for the kidnappings, and murder of Pierre Laporte
Quebec Response FLQ had failed Terrorist approach was too radical and unacceptable to Quebecers The Separatist movement would use the legal democratic process Rene Levesque Founder of the Parti Quebecois