CHEMISTRY INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF CANADA Chemistry Industry Association of Canada (CIAC) Québec Leadership Group Meeting May 12, 2014 Quebec Report
CHEMISTRY INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF CANADA Political Overview Liberals back with a majority government: Quebec Liberal Party 70 MP 41,5 % Parti Québécois 30 MP25,4 % Coalition avenir Québec 20 MP23,1 % Québec Solidaire 3 MP 7,6 % New Prime Minister vision and challenges « Mandate is firstly one of economic and financial recovery.» We must continue to invest in our infrastructure, We must refocus the Government on its essential missions: health, education, and assistance to vulnerable people.
CHEMISTRY INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF CANADA B&E committee highlights Government priorities: Recovery of public finances bring Quebec to a balanced budget; Using surplus for debt reduction and the other half for tax reduction; Reduce the tax burden to restore confidence of investors; Review of business taxation
CHEMISTRY INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF CANADA B&E committee highlights Committee action plan and priorities of its interventions with the new Government; Communication strategy and government relationship; Competitiveness Scorecard ;
CHEMISTRY INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF CANADA Environmental Quality Committee Committee structure; 2 meetings with CIAC / MDDEFP Joint Committee 2 meetings annually Co-chairs: Jean-Francois Roux ERCO & Bertin Ouellet OLIN Link with the NEQC Partnership with CPEQ
CHEMISTRY INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF CANADA Environmental Quality Committee Environmental issues: Water policy and Regulation respecting the charges payable for the use of water; Back to square one with a new minister, David Heurtel; Climate changes: Advisory Committee in climate change to develop a plan of action to achieve a reduction of the GHG emissions by 20% by 2020 and to develop California and Quebec a cape and trade market place.
CHEMISTRY INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF CANADA Environmental Quality Committee Environmental issues: Air quality regulation; Contaminated soils and sites; Regulation on hazardous waste disposal Depollution attestation; Government Strategy on Sustainable Development ; BNQ before year-end.
CHEMISTRY INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF CANADA OH&S and SHARE activities : Co-chairs: Claude Brousseau d’Arkema et Jean Ouellet d’Erco Mondial Last meeting: October 31th 2013 at Erco Mondial; Buckingham Last SHARE meeting in Toronto April 16, 2014: Members for Quebec have participated via webinar