Nuclear Bombs By: Bryan Kirby
Controversy Some people are pro-nuke, and some people against them. They are useful because they can take out an enemy is a quick time and leave severe damage, and it could end a war. But the thing is while ending the war and saving our people, it kills millions of civilians who have nothing to do with the war. It can also leave after effects and kill people over time in the next generation.
This is a Russian plane carrying a nuke.
This is a Nuke sign.
Radiation When nukes explode a lot of radiation and harmful chemicals get released into the air that can damage the well being of anything that is living.
After Effects After nukes go off not only do the cause direct damage, but the harmful chemicals can stay in the air for decades and can cause radiation poison.
Physical Attributes The smoke is thick And grey. When it explodes it looks like a mushroom. The highest one ever recorded was in Russia and it was 40 miles high.
Number of Nukes Built From over 70,000 nukes were built, and over 65 different types were built. Obviously not every one was used but some are still active.
United States History with Nukes The U.S. has spent over 35,100,000,000 dollars on nukes, and nuke related programs such as safety and uses.
Nuclear Bomb Picture Before Explosion
Nuclear Bomb Explosion After
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