Latchkey Kids By: Sharla Windle
What is a latchkey kid? A child who returns from school to an empty home because their parent or parents are away at work, or a child who is often left at home with little parental supervision.
Effects: Young kids: Early Teens: Boredom Fear Loneliness Peer Pressure Alcohol Abuse Drug Abuse Sexual promiscuity Smoking Positive Effects: Early development of self-reliance Adaptation to difficult situations
Risk Factors: Students left home alone for more than 6 hours a day are more likely to suffer from: Behavioral Problems Depression Low Self-Esteem *The Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development found that 8th graders who are alone 11 hours a week are twice as likely to abuse drugs compared to adolescents who are busy after school.
Teacher’s Responsibility: Latchkey kids subconsciously think of teachers as their “Substitute Parent” Teachers need to give extra care to this type of student.
Support Options: Automatic calling programs such as “Call Reassurance” call households during the week after children arrive home and require the child to answer the phone and positively acknowledge that he or she is okay. Teachers report to counselors if they feel it’s necessary.
Legal Issues: Kids under the age of 12 years old can be left home alone in Colorado(age varies in other states). Parents can be held accountable by Child Welfare companies or law enforcement if something “inappropriate” happens to child while they are home alone.
Statistics: 1/3 of all school age children in the United States are home alone, for some part of the week. Close to 16 million latchkey children in the U.S. 51% of latchkey kids are doing poorly in school. 15% are home alone before school 76% are home alone after school 9% are home alone over night
Work Cited: f_Latch_Key_Children/ age-limits.htm