Ukraine Paige Allen
Ukraine Flag two equal horizontal bands of azure blue (top) and golden yellow (bottom) represent grain fields under a blue sky.
Map of where Ukraine and its capital is located. The capital of Ukraine is Kiev
Population and Rank As of July 2010 Ukraine’s most current population is 45,415,596 And is ranked 28th out of in the world.
Life Expectancy The approximate age in which the people of Ukraine die is 68.46 years old.
Religion The majority of the people who live in Ukraine are Ukrainian Orthodox – (Kyiv Patriarchate). 50.4% are Ukrainian Orthodox. The basic beliefs of Ukrainian Orthodox are that they: Against abortions. Aids is a illness not a moral issue. Angels are spiritual beings, created by God to serve His heaven realm and to act as messengers and guardians to humanity. Orthodoxy holds the Biblical view that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. As such, it must be treated with honor and dignity.
Language In Ukraine the majority of the people speak Ukrainian. Basic Phrases are: Hello – привіт How are you? – Як ся маєте? Please – будь ласкa Thank You – дякую Do you speak English? - Ви говорите по-англійськи?
Celebration In Ukraine they celebrate many holidays, one of which is Orthodox Christmas Orthodox Christmas starts on January 7th and goes on until January 14th The period from the 7th until the 14th of January is called Saint Christmas week. During this week of January people go from one house to another, singing songs and wishing good wishes to health, prosperity, etc. and just having a good time. Most dress in folksy or carnival type costumes. If someone comes and sings or greets you, it is a rule that you give them sweets, food, drinks or Money. The songs are called "kolyadky" and "schedrivky".
Traditional Recipe Potato Varenyky (Potato Dumplings) Ingredients 2 cups flour 1 egg 1 teaspoon salt 3½ cups instant mashed potatoes, prepared ¾ cup cheddar or processed cheese, shredded Salt and pepper, to taste Procedure To make filling: prepare instant potatoes according to package directions. In a mixing bowl, add cheese and mix well. Set aside. In a large mixing bowl, combine flour, egg, and salt. Mix in a little water at a time until dough is stiff. Roll out dough on floured surface, about ¼-inch thick. Using the rim of a glass or cookie cutter, cut out circles of dough. Fill each circle of dough with about 1 Tablespoon of the potato-cheese mixture. Fold over and seal edges. To cook, bring a large pot of water to a boil and drop in the varenyky one at a time. They are done when they float to the top. Serves 4 to 6.
Attractions The Golden Gate in Keiv. the Golden Gate was a huge rectangular tower with a gateway Church of the Annunciation as its first floor
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