New York Martin Sisák III.E
Basic facts Most populous city in USA Center of New York Metropolitan Area Capital city of State of New York It has been described as a cultural capital city
History New York was found in 1624 by Dutch colonizers, they called it New Amsterdam Since 1790 it‘s the biggest city of United States Metro was built and started in 1904 In 1916 was New York a biggest center of black community in whole North America In 1960s was New York hit by wave of criminality, racism and economic problems
History All problems were calmed down in 1990s, and number of asian and latin american immigrants started to grow New York is also a center of international relationships and diplomacy , because the World center of OSN is right here
Culture Most of local buildings are famous all over the world For example Statue of liberty, Wall street (centre of bourse in south Manhattan), Empire State Building, Times Square and so on Nowadays, cultural centre of New York is Broadway 11.9.2001, World Trade Center was destroyed by terrorist attack
Musical on Broadway
Times Square
Geography New York lies on North East of USA Through the city is flows a river Hudson (Hudson is a border between New York and New Jersey) Major part of New York lies on three islands: Manhattan, Long Island and Staten Island
Sports New York has its team in every american popular sport For example, basketball team New York Knicks or football team New York Redbulls And the most famous New York sport team is a baseball team New York Yankees
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