AAPT 2009 Winter Meeting - Feb. 15, 2009 The Particle Physics Masterclass Shane Wood Irondale High School – New Brighton, MN
What is the Masterclass? Analogous to a Masterclass in the arts: a student works with an expert Expert = particle physicist Topic = particle physics data analysis Well-developed in Europe (EPPOG) Students work with physicists from universities and labs (5-6 across Europe/day) End of day – all participants connected by videoconference to CERN Happens for several days over several weeks Each year: over 5000 students in over 20 countries
US Masterclasses Organized through QuarkNet In , a small number of “Masterclass Institutes” participated with Europe In 2008, US Masterclass Institutes were created in collaboration with EPPOG In 2009, there will be 20 US Masterclass Institutes meeting March QuarkNet follows program design and evaluation
US Masterclass Agenda: Prior to Masterclass: Students take pre-test, then 1-5 hours of instruction Day of Masterclass: See table After Masterclass: Students take post-test TIME:ACTIVITY: 8:30-10:00Tour 10:00-11:00Particle Physics Presentation 11:00-12:00Masterclass Intro for Students 12:00-13:00Lunch 13:00-15:00Student Data Analysis 15:00-15:30Prep. for Videoconference 15:30-16:30Videoconference on EVO 16:30-17:00Closing
Data Analysis Most Institutes – real LEP Event Displays Look at Z-decays to determine branching ratios: Z 0 e + e - Z 0 μ + μ - Z 0 τ + τ - Z 0 2q Z 0 3q Z 0 4q
Data Analysis
Collaboration Students meet in CERN or Fermilab-moderated videoconference Compare/Discuss Results, Post Questions Discussions continue – Blogs
Connection to LHC Connected to the LHC through H Z 0 Z 0 Channel Z – decays are basic background Understanding Z-decays are important to identify possible Higgs Some institutes will be using simulated LHC data this year Future: Students will analyze real LHC data
Goals for Students Analyze real particle physics data Learn particle physics and how research is done Experience science collaboration across the US and the world Become part of the LHC-community – for a day or long-term
Become involved Participate in a Particle Physics Masterclass in your area Use the resources and data available online to have your own Particle Physics Masterclass within your own school, district, or region See links at end of presentation for data, resources, etc.
Thanks… Ken Cecire and the other QuarkNet Masterclass Fellows, including Michael Wadness, Michael Fetsko, and David Trapp
More Information: Shane Wood, Irondale High School Ken Cecire, Hampton University/QuarkNet Links: class_Library