Impact of the California High Speed Rail System Lee Ann Eager, Chief Operating Officer Economic Development Corporation serving Fresno County
Current Status 800 mile track (San Diego to San Francisco) Up to 220 mph Expected ridership (2025): Los Angeles to San Francisco: 120,000 People Daily $5.5 Billion Total Construction Start Date: September 2012 Ride Start date: 2017
Local Benefits Cheaper, faster and more convenient travel connected to local public transportation Revitalized communities and economic development around new transportation terminals
Improved movement of people, goods and services Faster travel on the ground between major metropolitan areas Congestion relief on freeways and at airports Right now, congestion costs approximately $20 billion per year in wasted fuel and lost time Overall Benefits
The potential for 450,000 permanent new jobs statewide created over the next 25 years Economic Benefits
As many as 100,000 construction-related jobs each year that the system is being built Which means… 600,000 construction related jobs over the life of the project
Types of Jobs Created PRECONSTRUCTION JOBS ▫Right of Way Engineering ▫Cleaning & Grubbing ▫Surveying ▫Construction Management ▫Inspection ▫Demolition ▫Hazmat Removal ▫Utility Relocation
CORE SYSTEM JOBS Train sets Train Control – Signaling Communications Central Control Center – Operations & power supply Electrification / Traction Power – Traction power supply stations – Switching/paralleling stations – Overhead contact systems (OCS) Track, ties/ballast, fastening system Maintenance equipment for trains & systems Types of Jobs Created
MAINTENANCE JOBS Train servicing & inspection Train maintenance Fixed core system & infrastructure inspection & maintenance OPERATION JOBS Service planning & fare setting Operations planning, scheduling, fares Train driving & dispatching On-board passenger services Ticketing & revenue accounting Station services & security Types of Jobs Created
Projected Impact: Local Example Los Angeles, California $360 million per year of new spending in LA downtown area $234 million: Southern CA visitors $126 million: long distance visitors
Actual Impact: International Example Shinkansen, Japan In the 10 years after HSR, cities had: Population growth rates 22% higher Industrial, retail, wholesale sector and construction 16-34% higher Significant hotel growth Land prices in commercial areas 67% higher
High speed trains will boost CA’s economy: 450,000 permanent jobs 600,000 construction jobs over the course of the project Improving the movement of people, goods and services Reducing travel times and road congestion Summary