Hybrid Energy Grid Optimisation Prof. dr. George Huitema (TNO), EuroCASE 2015, TU/d, 2 November 2015 Partners: TNO, CWI, KIT, VTT, UT, Siemens
Traditional Urban Energy Infrastructures Heat Grid Electricity Grid Gas Grid
Towards an Hybrid Energy Grid Traditional Grids The Hybrid Energy Grid 1. Heat Pump can transfer a surplus of electricity into heat. Heat storage 3 2. CHP can produce electricity in case of power shortage. Heat Power Gas Heat 1 Power Gas Heat Pump 3. Heat can be stored for later use. CHP 2 The share of renewable energy is increasing. Hybrid energy systems can absorb these fluctuations
Example of a Hybrid Energy Grid Electricity Heat Pump Geothermal Energy Ammerlaan, The Netherlands Combination of geothermal energy and heat pumps. Heat pumps are used for additional heating in case of peak demand.
How to efficiently manage a hybrid energy system (1)? Many different devices, different vendors
How to efficiently manage a hybrid energy system (2)? Electricity price Weather Conditions Electricity demand Control Algorithm Heat demand Capacity of the grid Heat price Buffer Capacity Gas Price Many different control parameters
Specification (EF-Pi) HEGRID: an open ecosystem for Hybrid Energy Management Multiple control applications ABEM TRIANA A generic interface for Energy Flexibility Generic Interface Specification (EF-Pi) Open source Multiple appliances Partners: TNO, CWI, KIT, VTT, UT, Siemens
Urban applications 1. Heat Grid Optimisation Optimise both traditional and renewable heat sources in a sustainable heat grid (HeatMatcher). 2. Heat roundabout Optimise use of waste heat and cold (eg Province Zuid –Holland). 3. Building to Grid Optimise HVAC (heating, ventilation, air conditioning) and lighting, leading to increased energy efficiency. 4. Smart Hybrid Control Smart control in a hybrid energy set-up with different heat sources, depending on the electricity and gas price and heat demand. Prototyping in HESI-lab at EnTranCe (Groningen)
Contact: george.huitema@tno.nl EF-PI Demo: http://fpaidemo.nl/ EF-PI Movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZq0DkAW5e4&feature=youtu.be&app=desktop