Leaving Certificate Biology Enzymes 2 iQuiz SECOND Press the F5 Key to Begin, Then click on this Blue Box FIRST In PowerPoint 2007 if you see a Security Warning click HERE on Options… and then click on Enable this content
One of the following is not a digestive enzyme. Which one? TrypsinMucin PepsinRennin
Where in the gut will you find enzymes that can only function in an acid medium? OesophagusStomach ColonSmall intestine
In which of the following parts of the alimentary canal does most absorption take place? StomachAppendix ColonSmall intestine
From which of the following parts of the gut is amylase secreted? MouthStomach LiverColon
Where does protein digestion take place? Colon onlyIleum & colon Ileum onlyStomach & ileum
Which one of the following is involved with the digestion of protein? ThyroxinePepsin SecretinAdrenaline
Which one of the following is a pancreatic enzyme? LipasePepsin PtyalinErepsin
Which one of the following is a good source of carbohydrate? BaconBread EggButter
All the following are good sources of protein except … FishCheese ButterEggs
Starch, maltose, sucrose and glucose are all examples of … PolypeptidesLipids CarbohydratesProteins
Amino acids are required in the diet for the formation of … ATPProtein SugarsCarbohydrates
Biuret reagent is used to test for the presence of … in food. SugarProtein LipidsStarch
Which food yields most energy per 100g? ProteinsStarch FatsSugars
Which of the following is not part of the alimentary canal? StomachPancreas LiverKidney
The enzymes involved in aerobic respiration are found mainly in … RibosomesMitochondria ChloroplastsNucleus
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