tt GetSet in Estonia Sirje Pree Kai Rannastu
Who is who? KAK as a regional training centre, there are many adults among the students (10% + courses Kai Rannastu – teacher of social work, social pedagogue Sirje Pree – teacher of psychology, psychologist, counsellor (inc. vocational expert) Experiences with: –job search training –in-work training of adults –counselling (people of different age) –putting together and using e-learning materials
Project period 2007 2009 –Fast changes on the labour market (needs etc) 2007 – up face of economy, 2009 – down face (so called MASU) –2009 – Massive adults comeback to the school Young people always have difficulties entering the labour market lack of experiences, the theory centred educational system (Friskie) The adults do have some experiences, but their flexibility to adjust with changes is smaller (GetSet)
Our goal To create an interactive learning material, which could be used –By adults independently (help-yourself method) –At the training of how to find a job as a help material (binded with computer studies) –But also by counselling (individual, in groups) To teach how to manage in life the changing of self-esteem the entry to the labour market the improvement of life quality
The beginning Friskie's material expertise –Teachers/ tutors/ advisers who had experiences with these groups (6 persons – experts) Target groups: –Adult learners – small enterprise, social care, ITC skills, handicraftsmen/artisans –Adults with learning disability (people we get from governmental social services) –Adults from coping skills courses –Young learners (age 17-25) with learning disabilities from KAK
What did we achieve or the results? Workbook to use on paper –Theme 1 – Work and training –Theme 2 – Useful steps forward We have tried different worksheets on paper version (individually) Opportunities to co-operate with the community have broadened Interest has been generated (unemployment fund, local government)
Riffs Ensuring the interactivity of the material – so that it's up- to -date, interesting, easy to use (development is fast!) The computer based version has not been tried out yet expects a different method by instructing The materials are situated in a server in Finland, on a Finnish address hard to find on a search engine Cultural differences are surprisingly big –Counselling process –The role of a counsellor –The capacity of independent work –Technical skills
What next? Training –Conference+ seminar Estonian computer based version is about to get done The use by students of KAK (100 students) and hearers The planning of new co-operational projects
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