WVSOM’s Use of Course Management Software to for a Faculty Development Web Page Helen H. Baker, PhD, MBA Professor, Clinical Sciences Professor, Clinical Sciences Brian Griffith, PhD Assistant Professor, Biochemistry Elaine Soper, PhD Assoc. Dean, Assessment and Ed. Development As of June 26, 2007
Objective At the end of this presentation, participants will be able to: At the end of this presentation, participants will be able to: Describe advantages and disadvantages of using course- management software to create a secure, interactive, course-like faculty development site Describe advantages and disadvantages of using course- management software to create a secure, interactive, course-like faculty development site Suggest two resources re/ design Suggest two resources re/ design
WV School of Osteopathic Medicine has two faculty development web sites School’s public site Internal, “Course” site
Public sites are available to the entire world. Everyone (inc. rural preceptors) can access Everyone (inc. rural preceptors) can access Ours is not interactive: no feedback to learners Ours is not interactive: no feedback to learners Posting was by tech staff – revisions not immediate Posting was by tech staff – revisions not immediate Must conform to school “look” Must conform to school “look” Content must be polished, not violate copyright. Content must be polished, not violate copyright.
Most schools use “course management software” for student courses WVSOM has extended this to faculty development.
Allows new faculty to experience course management site “as a user” before posting their own course materials Allows new faculty to experience course management site “as a user” before posting their own course materials See rewards and frustrations of students See rewards and frustrations of students WVSOM has found “Courseware” FD site useful.
Allows download of content.
A secure, “courseware” site for Fac Dev has advantages. Only enrolled faculty can access Only enrolled faculty can access Can track participation Can track participation Allows “works in progress”, internal working documents, non- standard format Allows “works in progress”, internal working documents, non- standard format Allows interactivity. Allows interactivity.
Administers surveys, summarizes results.
Administers and grades tests (Student view)
Also has “Communication Tools”
Limitations SOLE’s limits: limited formats, etc. SOLE’s limits: limited formats, etc. Some new faculty are very sophisticated, don’t need training Some new faculty are very sophisticated, don’t need training Some “established” faculty will probably never use SOLE Some “established” faculty will probably never use SOLE Can be accessed only by password (not yet available to Preceptors). Can be accessed only by password (not yet available to Preceptors).
Main Objective: Met?? At the end of this presentation, participants will be able to: At the end of this presentation, participants will be able to: Describe advantages and disadvantages of using course- management software to create a secure, interactive, course-like faculty development site Describe advantages and disadvantages of using course- management software to create a secure, interactive, course-like faculty development site Suggest a resource re/ design Suggest a resource re/ design
Recommend re design: Robin Williams’ books Principles: Contrast Contrast Repetition Repetition Alignment Alignment Proximity Proximity From: Robin Williams, Non-Designer’s Design Book, 2004.
18 Study Learning research. Text only: “As the rod is pulled out, air passes through the piston and fills the area between the piston and the outlet valve. As the rod is pushed in, the inlet valve closes and the piston forces air through the outlet valve.” “As the rod is pulled out, air passes through the piston and fills the area between the piston and the outlet valve. As the rod is pushed in, the inlet valve closes and the piston forces air through the outlet valve.” Image and Text: Clark & Mayer, 2003
19 Recommend words-and-graphic or video, not just words. Clark & Mayer, 2003
Resources Clark, RC, Mayer, RE. e-Learning and the Science of Instruction. John Wiley & Sons, Clark, RC, Mayer, RE. e-Learning and the Science of Instruction. John Wiley & Sons, Williams, Robin, The Non-Designer’s Design Book, 2 nd ed., 2004, ~$17. Williams, Robin, The Non-Designer’s Design Book, 2 nd ed., 2004, ~$17. Williams, Robin and Tollett, John. The Non-Designer’s Web Book, 3 rd ed, 2006, ~$24. Williams, Robin and Tollett, John. The Non-Designer’s Web Book, 3 rd ed, 2006, ~$24. Assertion/Evidence slide design: Assertion/Evidence slide design: