connects users to the skills they need...
... to succeed as communicators and contributors in today’s workplace
grammar,writing,employability Interactive lessons and exercises reinforce essential grammar, workplace writing, and employability skills
real world Skills are presented in the real world — making learning engaging and relevant
main menu, with tabs for each section
36 skill-building and reference lessons 13 lessons12 lessons11 lessons
Use the mouse in the rest of the demo Click on a tab or option to continue on the WebSupport material, Technical specsExit Help
grammarusage 12 lessons that teach and reinforce the essentials of proper grammar and English usage
Lessons are filled with useful information Click on the linked text
Lessons are filled with useful information
250 grammar and usage exercises More than 250 grammar and usage exercises with immediate, extensive feedback. Thanksgiving Xmas Click on the answer
200 additional drills The CD has 200 additional drills for the Grammar and Usage lessons
self-assessment The Grammar and Usage self-assessment pinpoints topics to focus on
Workplace Writing workplace documents 11 Workplace Writing lessons with guidelines and tips for preparing the most common workplace documents
Users drill down for examples and details. Complete this example
Keep going...
dozens of examples The Writing lessons have dozens of examples of workplace documents and writing strategies
200 exercises writing and editing exercises More than 200 exercises for these lessons, including short writing and editing exercises with feedback
30 longer writing exercises in Word. 30 longer writing exercises in Word. Each exercise has a worksheet with instructions and advice
today’s workplace 90exercises 13 lessons about today’s workplace, including self- management and interpersonal issues. 90 exercises
real-world advice Lessons have real-world advice
Click on the linked text
real-world advice Lessons have real-world advice
writing and critical thinking exercises The Workplace Success lessons have worksheets for writing and critical thinking exercises Diversity in the Workplace lesson Similarities and Differences Think about someone you know of the same race and gender and someone of a different race and gender. How are these people similar to you? How are they different? Think in terms of what they like to do, how they relate to people, how they communicate, what their talents and skills are, what they care about, how they dress, and so on. Person of same race/gender SimilaritiesDifferences so on.
Daily Planner2 typical work weeks, The Daily Planner simulates 2 typical work weeks, with , voic , memos, meetings, and other tasks
realistic work environment A realistic work environment — marketing and PR assistant at a zoo
Realistic tasks Realistic tasks provide a context for lessons
writing assignment Each task has a writing assignment
Resources Resources section with extensive print and web-based resources
indexed Lessons are indexed for immediate access to any topic
Glossary Glossary has definitions and examples of key grammar terms
help Extensive built-in help text can also be printed Click on the linked text
The web page has links to online resources galore!
helps users master the communication and interpersonal skills they need in today’s workplace
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on the WebSupport material, Technical specsExit Help On screens with an instruction, click where indicated. On screens with no instruction, click anywhere. Exit the demo from the main menu.