Miranda Behrle
T HE FACTS ABOUT A LLOYS … Alloy- solid solution consisting of atoms of different metals Ex. when you heat a penny, the zinc and copper atoms mixed more
C OMMON A LLOYS AND THERE COMPOSITIONS : B RASS Brass Copper and zinc Red Brass - 90% copper - 10% zinc Yellow Brass - 67% copper - 33% zinc Naval Brass - 60% copper - 39% zinc - 1% tin
C OMMON A LLOYS AND THERE COMPOSITIONS : B RONZE Bronze Primarily copper with phosphorous, tin, zinc, and other elements Coinage Bronze - 95% copper - 4% tin - 1% zinc Aluminum Bronze - 90% copper - 10% aluminum Hardware Bronze - 89% copper - 9% zinc - 2% lead
S O … WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED ? What is an alloy? Name 3 of the common alloys.