Room Finder App Yaya Aabhas Vinayak 3/3/101Room Finder App
Contents of Presentation: Statement of work for our app Block diagram and preliminary design Design and resources constraints Example code for a pull-down menu 3/3/102Room Finder App
Statement of Work In order to create our app we need: – To get input from the user through menus – Use the input to search out database of the corresponding floor layout – The screen will display the image and the user can use buttons to dismiss it Future ideas: – Highlight the location of the room of interest 3/3/103Room Finder App
Block Diagram of App 3/3/104 Take Input Search Database Output to screen Highlight room Room Finder App
MSEE EE ME CE GRIS CHME PHYS WTHR BRWN Enter room number Enter current location Sketch of start window of the app 3/3/105Room Finder App
Use a function to call functions based on what the input choice is App database MSEE ME EE ME CE MSEE GRIS CHME PHYS /3/10Room Finder App Phone Screen 6
Design Resources & Constraints Highlighting the room is tough! current ideas: – Create separate images with highlighted rooms – Include coordinates of the room in the database – Ask the professors for help! Resources: – Floor layout images 3/3/107Room Finder App