Easter offer in Chile Old
Headquarters: Economic College”The Danube Delta”, Number:32,Tulcea, County:Tulcea Phone:0240/ Fax:0240/ F.E. AMAZING TRAVEL S.R.L
Is a village located on the right bank of the Chilia Arm, which is called the Field House, it is the most populated rural asazare in the Danube Delta, with over inhabitants; situated in front of the famous Fortress Chilia (built in 1479) which belonged to Stepfen the great.Chile Old is very old: Achillea in Greek Antiquity, the trail you can see today, the Genoese have called it Licostomo (Wolf's Mouth), and the Turks Eskil-Kale.
At Vital offer is complete. You can choose rooms in the villa, house or even in traditional homes. Take advantage of great comfort, at European standards. In the kitchen you can eat typical food fishing and beyond. The welcoming atmosphere and the staff put at your disposal can't than to ensure the success of a perfect stay. Hostel Vital
Starting: on the floating Hotel "Delta", County:Tulcea (time:12:00 am) Arriving in Chile Old (time:15:00 am) For Easter holidays we have prepared the following program: Day 1: Starting from the floating Hotel "Delta“. Clients will be accommodated at the Hostel They will be greeted with traditional goodies and accommodated hosts.At 18: 30 will be made dinner and then tourists will be allowed to rest. Day 2: At 09:30 will have breakfast and at 10:30 the boat ride through the.After walking relaxing and unforgettable dinner will be served at 19:00 which includes besides: cake, eggs, bread, roast lamb, tripe and a very tasty fish soup, wine and brandy.
Day 3 : Breakfast will be served at 09:30 and at 10:30 boating, a day of fishing on the canal Chile and surroundings or have to passion hunting, here in Chile Old have found their dreams of every hunter. Rich wildlife tourists will enjoy very much. At 18:30 take dinner and at 19:30 farewell party.
Day 4: Making breakfast from 08:00 and from 09:00 start from Chilia –Arriving on the floating Hotel "Delta", at 12:00 in Tulcea.
Price tourist program: 400 Euro/person The price includes: -transport -accommodation -food -expenses attendant Price: