Joseph Burns, Tom Fox, Augustine Isitor, Nick Schuyler.


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Presentation transcript:

Joseph Burns, Tom Fox, Augustine Isitor, Nick Schuyler

 Joseph Burns, Team Leader  Tom Fox, Parachute Packing  Augustine Isitor, AVMap operation  Nick Schulyer, Flight Predictions All team member’s responsibilities include  Solidworks designing  Earning amateur radio licenses  Package content programming  Package construction  Material testing

 Gather acceleration data to model CFD simulations  Ensure operation and survival of all electronics  Achieve a successful parachute deployment  Use as much automation as possible in fabrication  Test new tracking equipment  Gain practical field experience

 Ballute design  Torroidal device to maintain stability  Solidworks used for design  Components fabricated in Epilog Laser Cutting Machine  Use of a removable subassembly for ease of installation and maintenance  Keep remanufacturable components in reserve  Must withstand high impulses in ascent and descent, and withstand extreme environments

 Material chosen was “LitePly” for skeleton  Webbed I-Beam shape chosen as main rib structures  Liteply was coated with CA glue to provide water resistance and act as an adhesive

 Assembly was completed with “MonoKote” skin for aerodynamics  Elastic cords chosen as shock absorbers  Parachute lines are attached via 2 points of contact to elastic cords and main package ribs  Styrofoam was chosen for lid with wooden washers  Foam nose added to absorb impact Table 1. Material Comparison (Matbase)

 Paper-Foam composite board for mounting of electronic components  Nylon hardware chosen  Contains all electronics for versatility and simplicity

 Box beam was originally selected  I-Beam was chosen as its replacement  28 % reduction in weight with maximum 15% reduction in strength  Faster manufacturing and treatment  Box Beam had stress concentrators and was more brittle

 Lid is attached to parachute via clip  Lid is detached by NiCr cutters  Ejected lid will drag out parachute then will detach  Lid is disposable and will fall at low speeds

 Package was dropped 13 meters with various configurations  Testing showed that  4 points of attachment of parachute deployment clip to lid was best  Subsection and contents survived if no parachute deployed  Calculated terminal velocity, depending on C d, varies from 14.3 to 16.5 m/s for package with no parachute

 All primary electronics were subjected to extreme cold (-40° C)  Insulation was applied as needed  Devices were required to continue working after soaking for >3 hours, 4 hour operation was achieved

 Balloon launched with packages  Units tracked via GPS  Signal sent to drop primary package  Control package descends independently after balloon bursts and is tracked separately  Falling package pulls pin to start 10 minute timer on lid and parachute release  Altitude is monitored, signal is sent to package to release lid and parachute at 60,000 feet  Arrested descent until landing  Package retrieval

 Redundant tracking components  Automated and manual triggering of parachute deployment  Quad redundant parachute deployment Yaesu VX- 8G/R Intuitive Circuts DTMF-8 RCP Electronics RTrak-HAB Vectornav VN-100DV Logomatic V2

 Package has two APRS systems that transmit GPS data on two frequencies  Yaesu GPS has hardware set altitude limit of m, or feet, OR speed of 1800 kph, or 1181 mph, before cutout due to regulation  RTrak HAB APRS has m, or feet, AND speed of 1800 kph, or 1181 mph limits before cutout  Command package has tracking as well

Dr. Joseph C. Slater P.E. – Advisor Nicholas Baine – Graduate Advisor Stephen Mascarella – Volunteer Expert Steve Overmyer – Volunteer Expert Bruce Rahn – Volunteer Expert Teams 19 Mile High Club, Chutes and Giggles, Foxhound

 REFERENCES  Adminstration, Federal Aviation. Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) PART ,  Andrews Space, Inc. Ballute Reentry Technology  Bishop, Jennifer, Chris Byers, and Brandon Kirby. "Shape Memory Polymer Composite Deployment in Near Space Environments:A sub project of theWSU High Altitude Balloon Program."  Corbett, Michael, John Holtkamp, Sean Stevens, Jessica Williams, and Brian Wirick. "High Altitude Balloon Project."  Corbett, M, “High Altitude Balloon Flight Path Prediction,” 31st Dayton-Cincinnati Aerospace Sciences Symposium, March,  Corbett, M, Williams, J, and Holtkamp, J, “Design of a High Altitude Balloon Payload,” 2nd Annual Dayton Engineering Sciences Symposium, October  Design and Launch of a Reentry Vehicle for Near Space Experimentation. Wright State University,  Holtkamp, J.C., Williams, J.M., and Corbett, M, “Design of High Altitude Balloon,” 31st Dayton- Cincinnati Aerospace Sciences Symposium, March,  Kirby. B, Byers, C, Mascarella, S, Pestak, T, Bishop, J, Yelamarthi, K, Wolff, M, Slater, J, Mawasha, PR and Wu, Z, “Engineering Research in Space using a High Altitude Balloon: an Interdisciplinary Senior Design Project,” ASEE-NCS Conference,  Mawasha, PR and Yelamarthi, K, “Project Management in an Interdisciplinary Senior Design Team,” ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition,  Mawasha, PR, Yelamarthi, K, Wolff, M, Slater, J, and Wu, Z, “An Integrated Technology Project and its Potential Impact on Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Engineering Experience,” 114th Annual ASEE Conference & Exposition,  Sharra, Besmira, and Casey Richardson. "Design and Launch of a Balloon Re-entry Vehicle for Free Fall Experimentation."  Slater, Dr. Joseph C. Main Page. January 6,  Snyder, B, Bozeman, J, Ilenbiluan, O, Rahn, D, Andras. M, and Yelamarthi, K, "Deployable Truss in a Near Space Environment," ASEE- NCS Conference, (2nd place, student papers).  Yelamarthi, K, Mawasha, P. R, Rowley, B. A and Bazzoli, T. L, “The Temperature Satellite Project: The Integration of Engineering Experience to First year Students,” ASEE/NCS Spring Conference, April  Yelamarthi, K, Maurer, J, and White, B, “The Temperature Satellite Project,” NASA’s Great Midwestern Regional Space Grant Meeting, November 2004.