Circulatory System
O RGANS Heart Lungs Veins Capillaries Arteries
H EART The Heart is the organ that pumps the blood throughout the body. It also pumps Oxygen which it get from the Lungs, and into the bloodstream.
L UNGS The Lungs function in the Circulatory System is to pump oxygen to Heart so it can transfer it to the bloodstream.
C APILLARIES Capillaries are what exchanges the oxygen and blood. Which means they make the oxygen flow into the bloodstream.
V EINS Veins carry deoxygenated blood to the Heart to be oxygenated. Also they carry some oxygenated blood to the Heart.
A RTERIES Arteries carry oxygenated blood to and from the Heart.
W ORK C ITED Heart pic: content/uploads/2012/11/Human-Heart.jpg content/uploads/2012/11/Human-Heart.jpg Lung pic: rTP1H1FKfGA/T6IL8EDX3jI/AAAAAAAAAFU/WrzH xtP68Xc/s1600/OrganSystem.jpg. rTP1H1FKfGA/T6IL8EDX3jI/AAAAAAAAAFU/WrzH xtP68Xc/s1600/OrganSystem.jpg Capillaries pic: es_large.jpg. es_large.jpg Veins pic: uploaded/images/How%20normal%20veins%20functio n.gif. uploaded/images/How%20normal%20veins%20functio n.gif Arteries pic: ch/images/cardio2/BlVesStr.jpg. ch/images/cardio2/BlVesStr.jpg